The Boo Hooing Continues
Got up early.
Made breakfast.
Ran errands (bought The Notebook on DVD).
Did balancing of multiple credit card amounts and handled balance transfers.
(inner monologue: "Boy, do I have some debt!")
Daily morning job search and email to prospective clients.
(daily inner monologue: "Boy, do I need some income!")
Gonna work ALL DAY on new art for portfolio, checking email periodically for any replies for possible work.
Ok, sorry, doing the mental note thing on here. That's what BLOGS are for, right?
So now you all can see just how boring and pathetic my life really is.
(Wish I had something better to post for ya).
#12: Powder
To me, this movie sums up the outsider vibe to the tee.
Yes, it's a little whacked out and heavy-handed at times, but, the performance by Sean Patrick Flannery (sp?) in the title role is what carries this film.
If you aren't into fantasy-type films, then this one will have you laughing as it did with my typical prone-to-open-the-floodgates mom. There are really sad moments in this one. Powder goes to see the sheriff's sick and bed-ridden wife is one that REALLY makes it hard for you to maintain a calm viewing without tearing up.
The ending of this film is sad and uplifiting in a way. Won't spoil it. I think I have spoiled some other movies on this list by giving away the endings (promise to stop that).
I would have placed this higher on the list if, after watching it recently, the acting in the end didn't make me wince a little. OVERacting I should say.
Damn, Lance Henriksen!
Hug your face, ok?
#11: Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5 episode:
If you have seen one or two eps, that ain't good enough.
Try watching a full season of it.
I am not much for episodic television (at least before this show), but Buffy really has me hooked. I'm like a Trekkie.
Never thought I would utter those words.
Anyways, the episode I am referring to involves Buffy coming home to find her mom laying on the couch, dead.
In previous episodes, her mother had been suffering from a brain tumor and was in recovery. The ep before this, she was fine and was going out on a date for the first time in years and looked healthy.
At the end of that episode, Buffy comes home and finds her mom on the couch.
THIS picks up where that leaves off and deals (with sickening clarity) the reality of death.
I can't tell you how good this was. The directing was great. The acting not over the top, but restrained. It was just about perfection.
Sarah Michelle Gellar handles the opening scene of the discovery SO well! You feel like it was really happening.
t's shocking, calm, yet VERY emotional.
The fact that her mother died of natural causes is what also brings the show home. Most of the deaths on the show are of supernatural causes or from violent battle.
This death was a quiet and "normal" passing.
What is sad in this?
What makes me lose it every time are the flashbacks to Buffy's memories of her mom and the contrast of scenes where you think it was all a hoax, but then the stark reality comes right back into play (close-up of her mom's face being zipped up in a body bag).
If you are gonna watch (and know somewhat about the characters) , check out the scene with Anya giving her speech about not understanding human death and Buffy's mom's dying.
That one gets me every time.
If you haven't watched this show, maybe you should start catching all the reruns on cable. It is well worth it. Trust me.
It's not a geek or teeny-bopper show. I should know. I'm not a...
Well, at least I'm not a teeny-bopper....
Made breakfast.
Ran errands (bought The Notebook on DVD).
Did balancing of multiple credit card amounts and handled balance transfers.
(inner monologue: "Boy, do I have some debt!")
Daily morning job search and email to prospective clients.
(daily inner monologue: "Boy, do I need some income!")
Gonna work ALL DAY on new art for portfolio, checking email periodically for any replies for possible work.
Ok, sorry, doing the mental note thing on here. That's what BLOGS are for, right?
So now you all can see just how boring and pathetic my life really is.
(Wish I had something better to post for ya).
I wanted everyone to know that there are a few "weepies" that I did not include on this list because I don't really watch them that much anymore and, while they were effective, they just didn't fit into this list. These titles include: Forrest Gump, Boys On the Side (YES Laura T, I know. The rocking chair, the "Anything you want, you go...>cough<, >cough<....) and finally, Stella (I just Wanna See Her Face!). I know Bri and Joe will be amazed that I didn't include good ol' Stella with my girl Bette, but that was one TRULY AWFUL FIlM! Don't think I'll be sitting in front of that anytime soon! Joe was such a friend to accompany me to see it back in high school.Whatta pal! Ok, let's do this...

#12: Powder
To me, this movie sums up the outsider vibe to the tee.
Yes, it's a little whacked out and heavy-handed at times, but, the performance by Sean Patrick Flannery (sp?) in the title role is what carries this film.
If you aren't into fantasy-type films, then this one will have you laughing as it did with my typical prone-to-open-the-floodgates mom. There are really sad moments in this one. Powder goes to see the sheriff's sick and bed-ridden wife is one that REALLY makes it hard for you to maintain a calm viewing without tearing up.
The ending of this film is sad and uplifiting in a way. Won't spoil it. I think I have spoiled some other movies on this list by giving away the endings (promise to stop that).
I would have placed this higher on the list if, after watching it recently, the acting in the end didn't make me wince a little. OVERacting I should say.
Damn, Lance Henriksen!
Hug your face, ok?

#11: Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5 episode:
If you haven't seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer on tv, you should.
If you have seen one or two eps, that ain't good enough.
Try watching a full season of it.
I am not much for episodic television (at least before this show), but Buffy really has me hooked. I'm like a Trekkie.
Never thought I would utter those words.
Anyways, the episode I am referring to involves Buffy coming home to find her mom laying on the couch, dead.
In previous episodes, her mother had been suffering from a brain tumor and was in recovery. The ep before this, she was fine and was going out on a date for the first time in years and looked healthy.
At the end of that episode, Buffy comes home and finds her mom on the couch.
THIS picks up where that leaves off and deals (with sickening clarity) the reality of death.
I can't tell you how good this was. The directing was great. The acting not over the top, but restrained. It was just about perfection.
Sarah Michelle Gellar handles the opening scene of the discovery SO well! You feel like it was really happening.
t's shocking, calm, yet VERY emotional.
The fact that her mother died of natural causes is what also brings the show home. Most of the deaths on the show are of supernatural causes or from violent battle.
This death was a quiet and "normal" passing.
What is sad in this?
What makes me lose it every time are the flashbacks to Buffy's memories of her mom and the contrast of scenes where you think it was all a hoax, but then the stark reality comes right back into play (close-up of her mom's face being zipped up in a body bag).
If you are gonna watch (and know somewhat about the characters) , check out the scene with Anya giving her speech about not understanding human death and Buffy's mom's dying.
That one gets me every time.

If you haven't watched this show, maybe you should start catching all the reruns on cable. It is well worth it. Trust me.
It's not a geek or teeny-bopper show. I should know. I'm not a...
Well, at least I'm not a teeny-bopper....
OMG. You got me with both of these. I really enjoyed Powder even with the whole scandle of the child abusing director. And the scene with the sheriff and his son makes me cry too.
This episode of Buffy turns me into a blubbering baby. What with Willow keeping on changing her clothing and Anya's reaction and Xan
Damn work computer flipped out and didn't let me finish before it posted!!!!!!
were was I? oh yes Xander's anger... all the acting and sound design just goes to show how excellent this program was.
My fellow Buffy-lovin' pal Laura! I know YOU'LL agree with me!!!!
Do me a favor and throw that damn computer out the window, ok? It can't come between our daily communications like this!
SHERIFF-Come quick some spooky lookin' Albino kid is doin' all sorts of voodo. Sherf (<-that's how it sounds), sherf, do you hear me? AND.....SCENE. That was a monologue from Powder. In this scene, Maxine, played by Susan Tyrrell raises her concerns over Powder's arrival in town. Jessica, `J.C.' Caldwell played by the wide ranged, Mary Steenburgen watches in amazement as she can't quite grasp why the world won't accept Powder.
i hope brian is wiritng the sequel to powder as we speak. powder 2: Baby powder? ok i think the only time i watched powder was in your dorm room or apt trav and i remember NONE of it. oops!
Powder 2, sounds like that will end up a classic just like Son of the Mask will be.
Why, hello there Travis!
I was told about your website, and I just can't get over how amazing your site and blog are! That's some real talent you have there, mister. I always knew you were dripping with talent, even though Rachel always told me you were dripping with the stench of baked potato instead.
I can't get over how great everything is! And, hey.. now that I've seen this, I'm thinking about making my own blog! Rachel told me you wouldn't have any problems helping me, so I might just take you up on that offer, buddy!
Can't wait to see you next weekend, and I'll be armed with suggestions for your next movie choices. Powder was a great choice, although I think you should've mentioned Mr. Goldblum's acting skills a little bit more! The man's a genius!
Love, your favorite Janet.
i'm so enjoying this right now
oooo, i love this one:
no wait, that's not up yet. but it should be.
i can't remember why i never saw powder. i was possibly too busy snortin' powder off of hookers' asses, i think!
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