Hope all you lovers out there have a great, safe Valentine's Day.
Don't forget to use protection.
Unless you want buns in the oven, stretch marks, or a VD.
Also, beware of heart-shaped boxes on your doorstep that are warm and wet on the outside and smell rank.
happy post-V D.
hahaha yess my bloody valentine!
Hey Trav,
thanks for posting on my blog!
I'm hoping the support of you and lots of others will convince someone with money to let me make more cartoons for ya!
Your best pal,
John K.
HOLY CRAP! trav, you're movin on up if your best pal is john k. i'm about to go drown my sorrows in drano, cuz all i could get for my best pal is carrot top.
Wow-e-wow-wow! Its so rah-sha-sha! He's hanging out with John K. and next thing you know he'll be hob nobbing with the elite, leaving us in the dust.
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