I have been doing myself an injustice.
Over the months (and almost year on the 31st) since I have ran this blog, I haven't used it to post my artwork.
This is gonna change.
Starting today.
This is just hot off the press, people.

I went and saw Brokeback Mountain with D in Charlotte almost two weeks ago and was smitten. A new movie for me to obssess about.
This damn flick was OFF THE CHARTS. I have been waiting for a story like this for YEARS.
It was great. It was tragic. It was not just a gay movie, but a movie about LIFE and LOVE, irregardless. You all need to check it out if you get a chance. You don't have any's showing at a theater near everyone now!
Anyhoo-to get to the point-I did my latest piece based off Brokeback Mountain's imagery of doomed romance.
Lemme know what you all think about it.
I drew it out in pen and ink, scanned it into Photoshop and colored it digitally. It's a large piece. I scaled it drastically to get it on here.
Hope you all like it.
I have been doing myself an injustice.
Over the months (and almost year on the 31st) since I have ran this blog, I haven't used it to post my artwork.
This is gonna change.
Starting today.
This is just hot off the press, people.

I went and saw Brokeback Mountain with D in Charlotte almost two weeks ago and was smitten. A new movie for me to obssess about.
This damn flick was OFF THE CHARTS. I have been waiting for a story like this for YEARS.
It was great. It was tragic. It was not just a gay movie, but a movie about LIFE and LOVE, irregardless. You all need to check it out if you get a chance. You don't have any's showing at a theater near everyone now!
Anyhoo-to get to the point-I did my latest piece based off Brokeback Mountain's imagery of doomed romance.
Lemme know what you all think about it.
I drew it out in pen and ink, scanned it into Photoshop and colored it digitally. It's a large piece. I scaled it drastically to get it on here.
Hope you all like it.
IT IS AWESOME!!! I love the colors you chose, the browns and the blue...
You should have done this ages ago!
and the frayed rope looks great!
Thanks so much!
That's very niiiiiice of yoooou.
I appreciated you and Bri's suggestions yesterday.
I seemed to lean towards the frayed rope end, to shorten the length of the rope and keep the eye on the main image.
It also can be interpeted in other deep, philosophical ways in regards to the subjects.
If you wanna go there.
that looks really fabulous Trav! I'm so glad you are posting it. The image of Jake is spot on boy!!!
no doubt! jakey is hot shit! i wish i could drawr like you travvy t
i'm drooling. i love this piece!!! and i have to see the movie, but josh won't go with me.
not because it's gay, mind you, but because i'm a girl. and he has to go see it with a boy.
You damn crazy girl.
You are too funny.
Now I just need to do an illustration to the cinematic masterpiece Killer Party.
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