Recent Artwork
Just wanted you all to know that my recent work featured in the horror magazine called "Horrorhound" has hit the newsstands and the issue has been sent out to subscribers recently.
I got mine in the mail today and I was VERY pleased with how my work looked printed.
The illustration was to be of Rob Zombie directing the new Halloween film (which he got the gig to direct-should be out sometime October 2007). It's a one-panel joke/comic that has him directing his mainstays (actors in his other two films) in the roles of characters from the original Halloween movie. This is more than likely not how it's gonna be but a comment on how he likes to use actors he is familiar with in all his films (including his wife Sheri Moon).
Needless to say, this project was right up my alley.
I am pleased with the way it turned out and have to thank the guys at Horrorhound for seeking my out and giving me the opportunity to have my work published in their mag (was already a subscriber and fan beforehand).
If you wanna seek out this magazine (issue #4), go to your local Hot Topic stores in the mall, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Waldenbooks, Tower Records, or B. Dalton Booksellers.
Keep your eyes glued to the blog for more posting of recent works (when I get permission by clients!)
Hope this finds everyone well and good!
that's hella-sweet! I will be looking out for an issue near me.
hahaha is that captain spaulding as dr looooomis!!!!!! nice job t-ravisss!
oh my effing lord this is awesome! i wish the weekend wasn't over, i'd go to hot topic right now and get a copy!
Thanks all you guys for all the sweet comments!
I really appreciate it.
And everyone, my good pal Bri found the issue at his Barnes & Noble in Altamonte Springs on this past Friday and called me immediately.
Now if the rest of us can find a copy.
Lemme know if any of you guys happen upon one next time you are at one of the stores listed.
That kicks ass!!!! I'm going looking at lunch!
new posting???
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