Here Comes Da Bride...
Talk about random.
So, it went down like this:
I get a message from someone on YouTube about my Newlydeads clips I posted.
This person said they wanted to purchase the film on DVD, where can they located a copy?
They close by saying they were in the movie and signed their message, Scott Kaske.
Well, I instantly went to Internet Movie Database, searched the name and realized it was none other than Jackie herself, messaging me from beyond the grave!
I was exxxxstatic! I messaged back that I and my friends were huge fans of his and we wanted autographs, loved his work, etc. I also gave him the info online to purchase a dvd of the movie.
He messaged back saying thanks for the help and that he is a very private person and unfortunately couldn't give out his address to send self addressed, stamped envelopes for autographed photos. He thanked me for being a fan and said there has been a lot of noteriety from this movie and he has discovered there's a fanbase. He wants to set up a website, etc., etc.
I thought that was that, and was happy to have heard from him.
I then receive another message from him asking for my email addy. He said he had something for me.
I was a little wigged. I don't trust peeps on the 'net. Some nutsos out there.
I was talking to our good friend Fanny on the ol' AIM while some o' this was going down and she told me just to give the addy to him, change it if he's a fake asshole.
I gave it to him, expecting to get back a picture of a gaping sphincter hole close-up with the word SUCKER stamped on it.
Lo and behold an email did pop up minutes later with an attachment.
The email read like this:
"Hi Travis
Talk about random.
So, it went down like this:
I get a message from someone on YouTube about my Newlydeads clips I posted.
This person said they wanted to purchase the film on DVD, where can they located a copy?
They close by saying they were in the movie and signed their message, Scott Kaske.
Well, I instantly went to Internet Movie Database, searched the name and realized it was none other than Jackie herself, messaging me from beyond the grave!
I was exxxxstatic! I messaged back that I and my friends were huge fans of his and we wanted autographs, loved his work, etc. I also gave him the info online to purchase a dvd of the movie.
He messaged back saying thanks for the help and that he is a very private person and unfortunately couldn't give out his address to send self addressed, stamped envelopes for autographed photos. He thanked me for being a fan and said there has been a lot of noteriety from this movie and he has discovered there's a fanbase. He wants to set up a website, etc., etc.
I thought that was that, and was happy to have heard from him.
I then receive another message from him asking for my email addy. He said he had something for me.
I was a little wigged. I don't trust peeps on the 'net. Some nutsos out there.
I was talking to our good friend Fanny on the ol' AIM while some o' this was going down and she told me just to give the addy to him, change it if he's a fake asshole.
I gave it to him, expecting to get back a picture of a gaping sphincter hole close-up with the word SUCKER stamped on it.
Lo and behold an email did pop up minutes later with an attachment.
The email read like this:
"Hi Travis
I don't give out my email address either so please keep in touch with me through the you tube sight and not this address.
This should prove who I am, I had these taken inbetween takes while we were filming.
I couldn't take them myself or I wouldn't be in the pictures.
But I scaned these pictures and e-sighned it for you.
Please let me know if it comes out.
and attached to it, was this:

I just about shit myself!!!!
What I found before me were 4 scanned in on-set pics from "Jackie" with a PC mouse-scribbled autograph to me saying "To Travis: Loving you to Deth, Jackie (Scott Kaske).
Now, at this point, I have believed the guy and am in heaven.
I email him back, saying a million thanks and my friends would die over this shit and I sent him the Jackie paper doll I created along with a link to the posted pics that Bri and Mel took of Jackie's Trek Across the World! In Epcot. I also threw in the famous pic of Jen with her colored Jackie paper doll.
He was ecstatic!!!!!
This is the email I got back from him:
"OMG I can't belive this, It even looks like me.
and attached to it, was this:

I just about shit myself!!!!
What I found before me were 4 scanned in on-set pics from "Jackie" with a PC mouse-scribbled autograph to me saying "To Travis: Loving you to Deth, Jackie (Scott Kaske).
Now, at this point, I have believed the guy and am in heaven.
I email him back, saying a million thanks and my friends would die over this shit and I sent him the Jackie paper doll I created along with a link to the posted pics that Bri and Mel took of Jackie's Trek Across the World! In Epcot. I also threw in the famous pic of Jen with her colored Jackie paper doll.
He was ecstatic!!!!!
This is the email I got back from him:
"OMG I can't belive this, It even looks like me.
What a nice surpise, you did such a great job.
Im so humbled, I don't have the words to say what my emotions are doing.
Thank you so much."
I asked him a few questions about the film, also how it was to work with the incomparable Miss Jean Levine.
I have yet to hear back from him, but I will definitely keep you all posted.
Needless to say, my day, possibly my YEAR was complete.
I asked him a few questions about the film, also how it was to work with the incomparable Miss Jean Levine.
I have yet to hear back from him, but I will definitely keep you all posted.
Needless to say, my day, possibly my YEAR was complete.
this is a christmas miracle
i feel all warm and tingly inside - no wait, i have to pee. nevermind. this shit's still cool though!
OMG!!!! That is so cool.
I am still laughing!!! this is unreal!
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