Click on Chucky above to check out the autographs I got at the recent horror convention in Orlando last weekend.
Also, have to tell you all that
1- The new Texas Chainsaw movie was better than any in the series (including the original). Disgusting, vulgar, bleak, depressing, but DAMN EFFECTIVE.
2- If you haven't, check out Best Week Ever on VH1 this weekend. There were some pretty funny moments.
3- AMC has the top 15 scariest horror films again this Halloween. I have a reeeeaaaaal problem with their #1 choice though. The movie was horrible and SCARIEST?!?!? You kidding me?
4- I just logged in all the DVDs in my collection on a website and the number is over 400.
I need help.
Transmission out.
Also, have to tell you all that
1- The new Texas Chainsaw movie was better than any in the series (including the original). Disgusting, vulgar, bleak, depressing, but DAMN EFFECTIVE.
2- If you haven't, check out Best Week Ever on VH1 this weekend. There were some pretty funny moments.
3- AMC has the top 15 scariest horror films again this Halloween. I have a reeeeaaaaal problem with their #1 choice though. The movie was horrible and SCARIEST?!?!? You kidding me?
4- I just logged in all the DVDs in my collection on a website and the number is over 400.
I need help.
Transmission out.
you need to provied me with links homeslice!
What linx you need?
Tell Oprah...
haha listen oprah i wanted to see the horror movie list
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