Monday, March 06, 2006

Oh, Hollywood

So, the Oscars are over and I have already posted on my Myspace blog about this, but the big upset for the night was Crash winning Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain.
Not that Crash doesn't deserve this distinction.
It was a very important film to get out there.
Brokeback was just a very important film to me.
To other gays out there.
I am stepping off the soapbox now in fear of rambling for PAGES.
Another upset was damn Reese Witherspoon winning Best Actress.
I know this category was slim pickins this year, but REESE WITHERSPOON?!?! The star of Legally Blonde 2 and crap like Just Like Heaven??!?! UGH!
I saw Walk the Line.
Not so good. She was being the same character she always plays, except THIS time, GASP!, she used her native Tennessee twang to capture the "country-ness" of June Carter.
Whooptee friggin doo.
Pure crap. Even her acceptance speech was wooden. Oh honey, you have really struggled through life, having a mom and dad who are a successful doctor and lawyer, being married to a superhot guy, and raising to cute, chubby little kids.
Maybe the fact that you are too PERFECT is what is your struggle in life.
Ah, how horrible.
Gotta love the musical performances too.
Dolly was awesome as always although her song wasn't much of anything.
That damn Crash musical number was TOO MUCH. I was laughing all the way through it.
Bri called when we got to the performance of 'Hard Out Here for a Pimp' by, ah, who gives a shit.
A buncha rappers in baggy jeans and sideways caps. Watching a ho strut her stuff next to lamp posts on the Oscar stage with Dame Judy Dench in the audience was good enough for me. I imagine The Dame raising the roof and pouring a 40 in the aisle for all the fallen Pimps out there.
Phillip Seymore Hoffman for Capote, Best Actor: Haven't seen the film. When they played his clip, PSH was doing his best Mickey Mouse impersonation in a suit and tie. Breathtaking. I doubt the real person he was portraying sounded THAT MUCH like a nasally cartoon character and threw his hands around all crazy-like.
Heath Ledger ain't Deniro, but I would have liked him to have won Best Actor if they snubbed Brokeback for Best Picture.
Ah, well.....
What do I know?
It was just nice for important films to be recognized this year.
Ones that aren't just period pieces or about pianos and their tortured players. That shit gets old.
In recognition of crazy Hollywood, I post the following video below.
I think it is fabulous and is what I call HARD HITTING JOURNALISM.
Get to tha trooof, girl!


Blogger Mel said...

I heart Best Week Ever.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Steph Calvert said...

okay now hold on, what the hell happened on oprah!!??! did tom cruise and his crazy ho break up? i'm so outta the loop!

9:20 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

This was a badass clip the was edited together and I guess it was done by Best Week Ever. I saw it on one of the blogs I visit.
Pretty damn convincing, eh?
It's footage of that nut Tom Cruise when he was on O and then footage of O confronting James Frey, that lying author nutjob.
They put the clips together and it looks like she chewing out King Nutbag himself.
Pretty clever I must say.
Whattya think?

9:54 PM  
Blogger swirlogirl said...

AHAHAHAH that shit is awesome! i LOVE IT! they did a good job. now if only that would REALLY happen

8:38 PM  

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