Hi Ho, Hi Ho...
Hello friends.
I have been MIA (cool name for a music group, eh Jen?) for a little bit due to work on those SC HIV posters I have been telling you all about. It's been going pretty well but just a HELLUVA lot of time being spent.
I found out the even they will be presented at is not until NEXT Friday, the 18th. A nice sigh of relief for me, but, I am sure I will still need to have all 9 of these suckers done pretty much by the end of this week if it's off to the printers...
So, anyone come up with a CONCEIVABLE plan for the commune deal? I am all fo' that.
In other breaking news, Duane fixed collards tonight (collard greens), and I actually ate some. For people in the family, they know that the faint SMELL of greens makes me gag and dry heave. These things were pretty damn grrrreat when D fixed em'.
Only problem is, I feel them working their magic and the tidy bowl is calling. YOWZA!
Til next post.....
I have been MIA (cool name for a music group, eh Jen?) for a little bit due to work on those SC HIV posters I have been telling you all about. It's been going pretty well but just a HELLUVA lot of time being spent.
I found out the even they will be presented at is not until NEXT Friday, the 18th. A nice sigh of relief for me, but, I am sure I will still need to have all 9 of these suckers done pretty much by the end of this week if it's off to the printers...
So, anyone come up with a CONCEIVABLE plan for the commune deal? I am all fo' that.
In other breaking news, Duane fixed collards tonight (collard greens), and I actually ate some. For people in the family, they know that the faint SMELL of greens makes me gag and dry heave. These things were pretty damn grrrreat when D fixed em'.
Only problem is, I feel them working their magic and the tidy bowl is calling. YOWZA!
Til next post.....
WAY to much info, buddy...
Hurg!! BLLAAAAAAK! Collard greens ick! so if we start this commune who's in charge of the Kool-aid?
More important question,Laura: Who's in charge of the shitter?
i'm going to shit in a five gallon bucket as an artistic statement. collard greens are the bomb. i think laura needs to hang out with us black folks more often
hahah that triumph is a riot!
You suuuuccckkkkk!
Jen, we gon'have ta make Laura in charge of the restrooms at the commune.
Sorry, Laura dear.
I'll bring my own Glad Potpourri spray
A kissing blog.
How totally amazing.
people, you don't need a website. just practice on your hand like i do. oops, i've gone and said too much.
I thought you were supposed to practice with a mirror?
i think that's for the advanced techniques mostly.
DUDE! I got the same spam, except it was for FRENCH kissing!
Ooh la la!
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