Thursday, October 06, 2005

Don't Go Into Shock...

...yes, there is a second post! In a ROW!
Duane and I are excited as hell to be leaving tomorrow afternoon to head to Orlando to see Bri, Mel and Stacy and to forego in our yearly tradition of attending the Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios.
This shit is gonna be awesome! Bri is going with Duane and I and Stacy (the usual trio) this year and it is gonna be so damn fun!
I just posted up some pics on Flickr from last year's trip. Check em out here.
Other news, SCAD emailed today about a contest for their upcoming Blood Drive with the American Red Cross or something. It's Halloween themed, so you know my ass went into overdrive today to do up some art for it. Ya get 50 bucks, a copy of the poster and tshirt ur artwork will appear on.
Check out my submission below. Whattya think?

Finally, last night Duane and I were woken up at 3:30 in the morning to the doorbell ringing. Ok.
Dark outside. Our windows open. The trickle of rain in the bushes outside. The doorbell continuing to be rung.
Duane jumping up and saying loudly "What's That?!?!"
I whispered back "That's the killer outside our front door that just heard you here in the bedroom. Thanks."
I looked through the blinds and saw a cop car.
Damn it was like an ep of CSI or something. Nothing good happens this late and a cop is outside our door.
Thought they were gonna tell us a fugitive is hiding in our upstairs bedroom or something.
The kind cop at the door told us that they received a 911 call that someone hung up in the middle of and it came from the phone number registered to our place. We told him we both have cel phones and no longer have a LAN line.
So, poor bastards who aren't registered with the city with their phone number were probably being bludgeoned to death in their living rooms by some homicidal maniac while the cop was standing in our doorway, staring at two half naked men in shock. Wonder what the hell he was thinking.
Bet I will be drawing the outcome of that 911 call in the blotter next week.
See you tomorrow!


Blogger swirlogirl said...

BAHAHAH trav! keep it coming. I LOVE the illustartion. i thought of you immediately when i got that email. it's perfect!

i can;t wait to find out who was brutally murdered thanks to the cops coming to the wrong house!

7:41 PM  
Blogger swirlogirl said...

p.s. i'm glad brian was able to explain the transparent gifs to you. i failed!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

Nah girl!
You explained it to me fine.
He told me there was something I had to do to get it right and then I found a tutorial site online and did it. We were only off by like one lil' step!

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the illustration! But you are going to have to post any article on your little late night adventure with the police! I was laughing so hard and everyone was all like what?!??! and I couldn't tell them cause I'm at work so not allowed online and I'm babbling so I go now...

10:10 AM  
Blogger Steph Calvert said...

AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA oh. dude. DUDE. that illustration is fucking TIGHT. i love it.

and take it from me - this is what the cop was thinking as he stood there in the rain at 330 in the morning talking to two half nekkid guys about the 911 call:

"MAN i wish i was sleeping!"

10:25 AM  
Blogger Trav said...

You guys crack ME UP!!!!!!!!!!
I can see you at your cubicle laughing Laura.
And Steph-that last thought from the policeman cracked my shit up! RANDOMMMM!

12:38 PM  

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