What's up my jiggas?
Today is some random shit....hope ya don't mind. I have a list too. This is a list of shout-outs to everyone I wanna make today. Bear wit' me, ok?
- Rachel (aka Maggotus): Hope you feel better if you're getting sick. Kick that damn roommate and her bf out of your room so you can rest or I'll be there with a damn chainsaw!
- Joe: Good to hear that you are still out there and you are busy makin' that money. Go boyee!
- Laura: Glad to hear you are ok, although you are suffering from the same Shit-itus I have been feeling (aka-case of the harumphs)
- Bri: Can't wait to see you and Mel this weekend! I figured out how ta do the transparent gif thingy after I talked to you yesterday....one less thing for you to have to show me when I'm up.
- Mel: Hope you are enjoying your ma and sis. I hear there were lots of excursions. Excursions to stores, flea markets, more stores, prolly' pottery stores......uuugggghhh (I am fashioning a noose out of an old tie now!) J/k! Hope you are having fun with them!
- Stacy: I am bringing up yo' Betty Badass 3: Betty Meets the Blues covers to you this weekend. Duane and I may still be up for a little Disney Halloween fun......we'll tawk.
- Jen: Good luck wit yo' damn laptop.......crazy shiiiiit. Tell em' they better screw it right, or they're F*#&ed!
- Steph: I am lovin' your art that you are posting on your site. Notice in your mailbox you haven't gotten any correspondence from Jerry Orbach.....he may be paying you a visit when you're up in a few weeks. Look under your pillow and shit...
- Jo: What's up wit you, girl? Is Fanny fine? Is she doin' alright? I will be in touch with you soon enough. Forgive me for not being on AIM lately.....it's been on the fritz fo' a little while cuz we installed a new program on the computer. It's up and running now tho-I'll look for ya.
- eBay Customers: Thanks for bidding on my shit and ultimately funding my DVD habit. I love you guys!
I think that about covers it all.
Oh! Here is a random pic of King Kong from the new movie. Just felt like posting it cuz it looks tiiiiiite considering it's CG and shit.
And a big sniff sniff to Jessica Simpson and her meathead hubby Nick for their recent split. Like we didn't see that shit happening. I love it! LOL!
Here is a link to a funny-ass cartoon online. Don't watch it if you are at work. It's got sound and some scary sights! It's also voiced by Amy Sedaris, Rachel and pals! Go here to check it out.
Here is a little preview to get you all in the Halloween spirit. Wait for the graphics and shit to load on the site. And they said this movie was a "classic"! I love it! This has got to be one of the lamest trailers ever! I love the voiceover though....
Finally, I am posting a link to an artist's website who I discovered today and am really impressed with. It's a husband and wife team and I LOVE their kooky imagery! It is SO AWESOME. Check out the site of Brandt Peters and then the site of his wife, artist Kathy Olivas. Their stuff is wacky, a little bit nutty, and a WHOLE LOTTA kooky! (PLUS it's sick and twisted!)
Well El Capitan,
We covered up the siding on the house and we have not had any nibbles on it yet. We had the cable guy come and run new cable line to the house (lil' fuckers at through it and made it fall).
We haven't caught any bastards in the cages in the backyard in a while.
So far, so good.
okay that particular shot from king kong looks like they stole it right outta the gorilla did it, which is this book my sister had when we were kids. why amazon only has a picture of the spanish cover, i do not understand. but that is the same damn monkey i tells ya!
Squirrels, gorillas and crazy cool artists... I LOVE THIS POST!
hahah man trav thanks for the shout out. im sending that shit back today. what a pain in the ass! LOVE the halloween dolemite HAHHAH!
AHAHAHAHAHA i had to refresh your page about five hundred times but i finally saw the dolemite! awesome!
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