Friday, December 16, 2005

Hell to tha NO!

I wanna scream!
FOX is cancelling our weekly guilty pleasure here at home.
The show Reunion.

Granted, the acting's not really Emmy-amazingand the show is overly melodramatic to the point of laughter.
BUT, it's got a badass Breakfast Club/nostalgia vibe going for it.
And did I mention each ep is a year in the lives of 6 friends, leading up to 2005, to determine who murdered one of them? And did I ALSO mention each ep has period appropriate music from that year. Broken Wings, All I Want....ALL THE DAMN HITS!
Alas, that shitty network Fox, notorious for dropping shows like hotcakes, is dumping it.
The problem with this is that we will never find out who the murderer is. That was to be revealed in the final ep.
Those bastards won't air the remaining 12 eps. And they said there won't be a dvd release OR explanation of the missing eps. FOX, just air the remaining episodes. All you're gonna do is air COPS reruns and shit. Who wants to see more pimps and hos getting smacked against the hood of a cop car? I can go a block from our neighborhood and see that shit!
I am going to take a running leap and do a swan dive out of the second story window here in protest.
(Only problem is, no one is home in the neighborhood right now so my suicide attempt would be in vain. No audience).
Hope all is well with everyone and this week's Jive Term is act a foo.

Example: "When I heard FOX was cancelling the show Reunion, I had to act a foo".

Don't forget to check out my peeps' blog, Twisted Commune, here.


Blogger Paul said...

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9:38 PM  
Blogger swirlogirl said...

OH MY FUCKING GOD NO THEY DID NOT!!! after last night too and i was laughing my ass off when someone ran over that cop!!! that is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(haha oop sthat was me again signed in as someone else)

9:40 PM  
Blogger Steph Calvert said...

what about looking up reunion spoiler on google? someone may know who the killer is and post it somewhere...

10:32 AM  
Blogger Trav said...

Good idea.
I actually didn't think of doing that yet.
I used to do the spoiler thing with Buffy, but didn't even think about it with Reunion!
How's yer projects coming girl?

2:29 PM  

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