Never Underestimate the Power of the Handicapped
Hey everyone...
I'm home.
Ahh, the sweet smell of hamhocks and bad barbeque.
I had to post this tonight before the week began.
I feel like Paul Revere. I am rushing into town to warn people of an approaching evil.
Check this:

Is the world coming to an end?
Beware people, the arrival of the Hallmark Movie.
Hallmark Movie almost always spells "steaming turd wrapped in chuffon lace", but come the beginning of next month, it takes on a whole new meaning of cinematic feces.
Witness the movie known who gives a shit?
I'm not going to beat around the bush.
It's a fucking movie of the week with Rosie O' Donnell playing a mentally retarded woman.
Why is she mentally retarded?
Well, she wears mismatched colored shoes of course and coveralls.
She looks like the human equivalent of an oversized Rugrat from that Nickleodeon cartoon.
Oh Ro, to think I was embarassed for you playing a bloated Betty Rubble in the Flinstones movie. I dare not cast my eyes on one SECOND of you talking out of the side of your mouth, making it seem as though Jodie Foster's performance as Nell was understated.
OH! And witness poor Andie McDowall.
That bitch is thinking to herself, "If that beast scoots down further on the bench, I'm gonna be launched into the sky like a cartoon".
Ya gotta give it to Andie.
She starred in Green Card with a hairy behometh, Gerard Depardooooo.
Now, she stars along another yeti, Rosie.
Ah, whatta world, whatta world.
Hey Andie, better hurry to the bank with that Hallmark check.
You earned it girl.
I'm home.
Ahh, the sweet smell of hamhocks and bad barbeque.
I had to post this tonight before the week began.
I feel like Paul Revere. I am rushing into town to warn people of an approaching evil.
Check this:

Is the world coming to an end?
Beware people, the arrival of the Hallmark Movie.
Hallmark Movie almost always spells "steaming turd wrapped in chuffon lace", but come the beginning of next month, it takes on a whole new meaning of cinematic feces.
Witness the movie known who gives a shit?
I'm not going to beat around the bush.
It's a fucking movie of the week with Rosie O' Donnell playing a mentally retarded woman.
Why is she mentally retarded?
Well, she wears mismatched colored shoes of course and coveralls.
She looks like the human equivalent of an oversized Rugrat from that Nickleodeon cartoon.
Oh Ro, to think I was embarassed for you playing a bloated Betty Rubble in the Flinstones movie. I dare not cast my eyes on one SECOND of you talking out of the side of your mouth, making it seem as though Jodie Foster's performance as Nell was understated.
OH! And witness poor Andie McDowall.
That bitch is thinking to herself, "If that beast scoots down further on the bench, I'm gonna be launched into the sky like a cartoon".
Ya gotta give it to Andie.
She starred in Green Card with a hairy behometh, Gerard Depardooooo.
Now, she stars along another yeti, Rosie.
Ah, whatta world, whatta world.
Hey Andie, better hurry to the bank with that Hallmark check.
You earned it girl.
hahahah get out of here! i hope you have checked out rosie's blog. personally i think its a hoax. but hilarious nonetheless! rosie needs some help. and she'll never play as good a retard as juliette lewis
All I can say is that I am sooo disappointed that I don't have cable and will be unable to watch this masterpiece.
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