Sunday, June 26, 2005

This Just In!...

Ok. So I watch Entertainment Tonight instead of CNN for my latest breaking news.

I check out Best Week Ever instead of Nightline for what's happening in the world.

I can still report on the news, dammit.

That's why I love Duane so much. He keeps me in check with the "actual news" events.

He reads the paper. (And not just the help wanted and movie time sections).

Below are some AMAZING (yet dated images from our wonderful State newspaper here in Columbia Duane wanted me to share with you readers.

The above pic is not that new to most of my friends as we shared it with you on the last Savannah excursion. This is a mockup bust of a woman whose corpse was found last March by local police. Forensic artists tried to recreate what the woman would have looked like.

What an amazing job they did.

Apparantely, the woman was the child of Sloth from the Goonies, and Aunt Jemima. It also bears a striking resemblance to the title character in the movie, Mask.

Great job, guys. I am sure she looked JUST LIKE THAT.

Who heard about this nutjob? He reminds me of one of the performers of the Misfits or some death rockband like that. Is it me, or is this story so damn unbelievable that it seems fabricated?

I mean, don't judge a book by it's cover, but.......THIS book's cover was made outta see-through plastic or some shit! I mean, COME ON!!!!!! That fucker's face scares the shit outta me...PLUS, he's Canandian....even scarier, eh?

This has been a newsbreak bullentin from Trav's Total Experience....

Back to the regular shit.


Blogger Steph Calvert said...

holy crap both those pics are gonna give me nightmares!!!

what happened with that bust, is the two dudes in the background were trying to recreate lionel ritchie's "hello" video, but it turned out like shit so they decided to pass it off as forensic science...

12:17 PM  
Blogger Brian said...


After Steh asked what happened to the bust, I put my crack team of researchers here at Wonderful Time on finding the whereabouts of the Columbia mongo-bust. I am pleased to announce that we have found it and I have personally invited it to come over here an talk to us.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there babies! It's me Sloth. Life has been crazy with a capital "K" since the paper printed my picture. I was thrown into the status of instant celebrity. I was being asked to make appearances all over the city. I was like a god and shit! I was doin' commecials on the TV, I would show up at mall openings and use those bigass scissors to cut the ribbons. Each time I would be showing up I would get a phat check. After I while, I was saying yes to anything. I was signing pictures at that racist ass- Maurice's BBQ one day and thought "this isn't me, I'm able to do more". So I left. Got up and walked the fuck out of there and I didn't look back!

I wanted to find a way to express myself , so people could see that I was more than a bust. I got some cosmetic surgery and got a new body since those lazy fuckers couldn't finish the job they started. I started a band. It's called "SLED". Our first big hit was called "Reconstruct my heart". We play all over town and just got signed to a record deal and will be touring across the country. Here's a picture from one our most recent shows. Okay, I'm sure I'll be talkting to all ya' all soon nuff'. Don't fo'get to by my record!

1:17 PM  
Blogger Trav said...


2:23 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

Look into the hollow eyes of that bust.
Now imagine these words:
"Is it me your lookin' forrrr?"
Looks like they were trying to copy Lionel if you ask me...

2:27 PM  
Blogger Steph Calvert said...

hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha oh man i can't look at these pictures anymore, i'm dying!

3:32 PM  
Blogger swirlogirl said...

OH MY GOD! that is the bust from HELLO! man oh man i love me some lionel richie. bumba dee ah bambi bo sah. eyyyyy jambo jambo!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

We're gonna have a party!!!!


12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will fight for the good of all men....

3:29 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Photo found of one of the wanted attackers in the Big City

5:12 PM  
Blogger swirlogirl said...

travis you betetr piost something soon and push this mongoloid down!

9:56 AM  

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