
I am torn apart folks.
Today, I look to my Yahoo page for my usual late breaking world news and was torn apart.
Two issues I feel MUCHO strongly about had my eyes seeing red.
The threat of terrorism is very serious.
But so is this story here.
We need to stop the threat of Hollywood blunderheads babbling on about things they should have no part of.
Let's just spell it out plainly here folks: we need to put a stop to the likes of Freddie Prinze Jr.

He has stanked up many a flick in his time, with his open-mouth style of "Whuh?" acting.
To say this human stain can act is like saying Tara Reid is a LITTLE drunk.
The man is a pantywaist.
What made me mad as hell today was the news, that while promoting his new fall show, "Freddie", (all about the WACKY trevails of growing up priviledged with not talent), he told reporters that his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar, would NEVER consider doing aNOTHER Buffy project again.
My heart sunk.
While I giggled inside at the whole scene that occured at this "press junket" and by the fact that NO ONE gave two shits about "Freddie", but wanted to talk about his wife, I couldn't help but feel a large stake get jabbed into my heart.
No Buffy movies in the future?
Mothafucka you gotta be KIDDING ME! That's what I have been LIVING for for like, FOREVER....or at least when the show ended May 2003!
WHATTA BASTARD! And it would figure he would be the one to deliver that nasty bit o' news!
Who am I kidding? When Sarah Michelle Gellar's shitty stint as movie star is done (which should be soon), she'll be CRAWLING back to the role that made her famous!
She better do it FAST, too bitch!
The OTHER bit o sad news is about my Paula.

That poor Miss Abdul.
Saw her recently on a news show and she was slurring away.
Not makin' any damn sense.
Talking about some manicure infection she got. Great, Paula. What happened to you my child?
The latest news is she is being investigated before the new season of American Idol begins due to the allegation from that asswipe loser Cory Clark, who said she had an affair with him during season 2 of the show.
Although I wouldn't put it past my girl, it's a shame she is swirling down the shitter so quickly.
Ah....the days of Skat Kat and Diet Coke commercials.....
Well....I am off to a weekend of getting out of town with Duane....we shall return Monday!
Ya'll be good my little bloggers!
A quick shout-out to Bob, whom I did some work for on his upcoming book, Call the Cops!.
Hope this blog doesn't throw you for a loop.
I know I'm crazy.....but I'm a damn loveable guy too!
Check out Bob's blog link to the side!
Today, I look to my Yahoo page for my usual late breaking world news and was torn apart.
Two issues I feel MUCHO strongly about had my eyes seeing red.
The threat of terrorism is very serious.
But so is this story here.
We need to stop the threat of Hollywood blunderheads babbling on about things they should have no part of.
Let's just spell it out plainly here folks: we need to put a stop to the likes of Freddie Prinze Jr.

To say this human stain can act is like saying Tara Reid is a LITTLE drunk.
The man is a pantywaist.
What made me mad as hell today was the news, that while promoting his new fall show, "Freddie", (all about the WACKY trevails of growing up priviledged with not talent), he told reporters that his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar, would NEVER consider doing aNOTHER Buffy project again.
My heart sunk.
While I giggled inside at the whole scene that occured at this "press junket" and by the fact that NO ONE gave two shits about "Freddie", but wanted to talk about his wife, I couldn't help but feel a large stake get jabbed into my heart.
No Buffy movies in the future?
Mothafucka you gotta be KIDDING ME! That's what I have been LIVING for for like, FOREVER....or at least when the show ended May 2003!
WHATTA BASTARD! And it would figure he would be the one to deliver that nasty bit o' news!
Who am I kidding? When Sarah Michelle Gellar's shitty stint as movie star is done (which should be soon), she'll be CRAWLING back to the role that made her famous!
She better do it FAST, too bitch!
The OTHER bit o sad news is about my Paula.

Saw her recently on a news show and she was slurring away.
Not makin' any damn sense.
Talking about some manicure infection she got. Great, Paula. What happened to you my child?
The latest news is she is being investigated before the new season of American Idol begins due to the allegation from that asswipe loser Cory Clark, who said she had an affair with him during season 2 of the show.
Although I wouldn't put it past my girl, it's a shame she is swirling down the shitter so quickly.
Ah....the days of Skat Kat and Diet Coke commercials.....
Well....I am off to a weekend of getting out of town with Duane....we shall return Monday!
Ya'll be good my little bloggers!
A quick shout-out to Bob, whom I did some work for on his upcoming book, Call the Cops!.
Hope this blog doesn't throw you for a loop.
I know I'm crazy.....but I'm a damn loveable guy too!
Check out Bob's blog link to the side!
I agree with you about Freddie Prinz. Now I want to hear what you have to say about Jane (Hanoi Jane) Fonda.
She's a talented actress ("Monster-in-law") but a turd as an American. Now in her 70s, I suppose she's become harmless. Let's hope she moves to a "home" before year's end.
Yeh, Bob.
I heard she was spat upon this past May when she was at one of her book signings.
She just got up with smile and a big loogie hanging off her cheek and walked off.
Stick to the exercise videos, honey!
HAHHAHAH! ok trav that gif up top is so gross. i hate that part! and freddie prinze is a joke. why he was ever made fred in scooby doo is beyond me. oh yeah cuz his wife had a part.
I saw that article too and was wondering how long it would take you to blow. hehehehehe no one gets between Trav and his Buffy!
god i love that pic of paula - i wanna do an animation of myself shoving eclairs in her mouth.
that's not an innuendo for anything, people! get your minds outta the gutter!
Paula looks like a blowup doll.
Thought it an appropriate pic.
L- you know me tooooo well, girl!
but also, she looks like she's projectile vomiting with a very classy refined look on her face.
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