How Much is That Doggie...

So, we're dog sitting here at the Blandford-Falligant estate.
The smell of dog fur fresh from outside on a hot summer day still penetrating my nostrils, I type to you, my faithful readers.
I thought that D and I wanted a dog so bad.
Maybe he still does.
Your friendly neighborhood Trav don't want no dog any time soon.
They are both sweet, well behaved, and all, but I just seem to put them outside a lot and try and run away from them at any chance I get. All that licking is driving me NUTS!
Don't call PETA on me yet, though, cuz I still get down and play with em and pick em up and hold the little buggers and all, but, I dunno, I am just a bastard I guess.
In other news, I am dragging my sweet D to Charlotte tonight.
Nabbed us advance movie screening passes for the new Rob Zombie throwback to 70's exploitation, grindhouse pictures: The Devil's Rejects.
It's a sequel to the less-than-stellar-but-still-cool-in-it's-own-right House of 1000 Corpses, a movie I have pimped on here before.
They usually hand out free shit at theses screenings and ask what the audience thought and shit. If I snag some good schwag, then I will be up front and center, all white trash-like, saying how WONDERFUL it was, no matter what.
If anyone wants me to pick up anything for them, hollar. You know, like Devil's Rejects salt and pepper shakers. A Devil's Rejects scented stationary set. You name it.
Speaking of cool memorabilia, check this shit out I found on eBay this morning.
Now that puts my Seed of Chucky condoms to shame, hands down. Very creative. If you have seen the movie, you will get the joke.
Also, I have finally had a bit of enlightenment on my artwork. I think I have figured out my style as an illustrator. This has been keeping me up recently at night and has haunted me for years now. Going over my old stuff and checking my strengths and weaknesses, I think I have found a weiner.
I will be posting more on this startling change of events soon enough.
Finally, get yo bitch asses over to Twisted Yarn and see the new story I started.
It isn't over, Travis. You might've thought you won the battle last night, but I will ultimately end up winning the war! I will find you again in your dreams, Mr. Falligant.. wherever you are.. whether it be at a Janet Jackson concert, or even being viciously chased by a gorilla..I'll be there. Also, if you don't mind.. please tell good old Aviation Wolf, that the A man ain't interested.. so stop calling.
SOMEONE is cruising for a brui......well, let's just say it: someone's cruising for a LOGO, aren't they?
Miss M, do you prefer a downloadable logo for printing for tshirt transfers or a logo link to a large sized file suitable for reproduction ANYWHERE?
Let me know, k?
man im probably too late but i would love a devil's reject commemorative plate. trav i LOVE when you post!
I LOVE when you remind me to.
You know how damn bad I am and you always remind me....
Thank you for being a down the road and back again....
hahah i know and i haven't posted for days hahah isn't it ironic. did you hear... estelle getty has the dementia! how sad
Damn......that blows....thought I heard she was suffering from Alzheimers and all.
That is a shame.
I absolutely HEART Golden Girls....a true shame.
We are gonna have to bask in remembrance for her at the beginning of August when Lifetime starts showing the Golden Girls spinoff, Golden Palace (minus my fave BEA!)
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