Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...

Figured it was time for another new post.
Miss ya already Laura. Had a great time.
Everyone, we look forward to Halloween if I hadn't beat that into your skulls enough.
Above is a picture of Mariah Scarey (who I still really like despite much ridicule) and who's new album is actually really good.
Anyhoo-if no one has noticed, Mariah ain't on the Lohan/Ritchie diet.
The girl likes to eat like the rest of us and the only workout she gets is from bending down to pose with the homeless.
She's such the humanitarian.
She feels the need to support the plight to end poverty by sacrificing herself and her Gucci gown and taking it to the streets, where she poses among the less fortunate,"lower life forms".
This'll get people aware Mariah....either that, or you are pulling one seriously fucked up prank, girl.
She has really publicly lost it recently, though.
Look at the picture above.
She had one of her entourage makeup artists PAINT abs on her supple tummy for a July 4th concert. HEELARIOUS!
That's about as seamless as this.
On a side note about celeb nuttiness, go here for your Cruise fix if you haven't already. Ah, I love it sooooooo.
AHAHHAHAHA pooh is one crazy jigga!
can you believe that ab shit? and they painted man style abs on her. what a maroon! that cracks me up to no end
I know, right?
That Butterfly ain't no Honey!
She is an action Hero!
Whatta shame!
She had too much of a Vision of Love for the paintbrush!
You Str8 Up Maggot!
Can I make a copy of that song for you and your iPod?
You KNOW you want iiiiit....
man i wish there were better pics of this around! and you're right she looks like a action figure doll. i wonder if her appendages are all fully articulating.....! boi oi oing!
okay the first thing i noticed when i saw maraih's pic was "fuck, girl's been workin' out." and as i was pouring my glass of drano because i will never have abs like that no matter how much i work out, i continued to read. and just as i finished my glass of drano, i found out the abs were nothing more than face paint gone awry.
and now i'm dead. i hope you're happy!
Oh shit, guys, looks like we are gonna have to perform a seance to bring that Drano guzzlin' gal back so we can find out if Eric Balfour has a star on the Walk of Fame!
You too can have a beautiful wheelchair like this if you sell... ONE ALBUM!
I was waiting for that one Bri...I think you and I are the only ones that know about that amazing piece of video footage.
Ah even back then she was from modest beginnings!
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