Happy Friday the 13th!!!
How fitting that today is "My Buuurthdaaay!", as Rachel would tell me. (She says I sound like Oprah when I say that). I know it's bullshit though cuz I don't have no jumpsuits or facials to give away to people.
Rachel's taking me to see the first Friday the 13th movie tonight for a midnight screening in downtown Roanoke at the Grandin Theater. Should be a helluva lotta fun.
Speaking of fun, I have been witnessing television's biggest turd, Regis, and his annoying sidekick Kelly in Whorelando, FL at Disney World.
I am so sorry Stacy. I am sure you have caught a glimpse of all the people giggling at their lame jokes. You may have even spotted the Gelman while you were there.
They suck. They've had such high wattage celebs on there like Aaron Carter, those annoying married a-holes from Survivor, one of the Orlando Magic team people, and, yes, Ducky himself, John Cryer. My thoughts and prayers go out to you Stac, in your time of need.
Steph, when is Oprah gonna be at Disneyland? Lemme know....gotta check out Dale.....lol!
You all have a TGIF and I will talk to you all soooon!
Coming home this Sunday....