Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Odds n' Ends

So we got an offer on the house.
Probably the first person that looked at it. It's contingent on if their house sells.
Good news is that we can keep it up on the market and if someone else makes an offer, we can take theirs and can the first one.
Other than that, D and I got away this weekend to Greenville, SC and stayed at a bitchin' hotel with indoor pool, internet, and a nice atrium bar with a cool bartender, Janice.
There was a wedding when we arrived and the mofos were out in full force.
Big hats, hamhocks on paper plates, purple suits, pimp hats.
Needless to say, it was a HOT MESS (D and my fave term right now).
We went to the Freedom Weekend Aloft festival in Anderson, SC on Sunday night and saw Rob Thomas with Collective Soul and a young rock band opening that were pretty good.
Yeh, D and I are big Rob Thomas fans.
He put on one HELLUVA show. Click here to see footage D shot with the digital camera (beware sound quality). As you can see, we got up pretty close and it was in an outdoor ampitheater.
Drunks, rednecks, farting boozehounds, Republican housewives, the whole nine. We had a blast! Made a lot of friends that night (prolly some enemies).
It was a great time and a good chance to get away from this house crap.
Today, D was home sick and I didn't do much but put my resume up on Monster, Careerbuilder, Hotjobs, and bothered the hell out of a company in Jax that I applied with mid-May. (Crossing my fingers on that one).
I also need to (even though I don't know if this is the right forum) give a big THANK YOU to my pal Steph, who really made my night when she called and was telling me she was "selling" me and my art to her employer for possible freelance stuff down the line. She said her boss was saying she would consider my work for possible future designs in the company's Buffy tshirt license line.
Miss Steph Esquire, you don't know how cool that made me feel by doing that for me. You didn't have to, but I appreciate it GREATLY!
Thank ya!
And also peeps: Did you all know that Miss Steph and her beau Joshua Calvert are registered with Target?
D and I were farting around in the Target in Greenville and I just, on a whim, decided to check out their bridal computer and lo and behold, our future newlyweds were in the system.
We printed that shit out and read it all through the store! You guys got some cool stuff on there!
Also, I think we mighta printed too many copies out cuz one of the machines wasn't working so I tried printing on it again. That thing was prolly spittin' paper out 9to5 style!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


For those of you that have been entranced with Duane's hypnotic nostrils (or nosses as I like to call them), I am sorry.
It's time for an updated posssst.
We have been busy, busy, busy with getting the house ready to sell.
Packing some things, painting, selling items, throwing away crap, bringing crap to Goodwill, painting, moving furniture, etc.
I ain't no Bob Vila and after all this, I DEFINITELY don't give a shit about owning a home again.
I am just biting at the bit to move now and secure an awesome art-type job (see: Jen, Steph, Mel).
Applied online for a job in Jacksonville which would be a commute for me every day, but sounds really good.
We shallllll seeeee.
Not much new here to report.
Didn't realize but Art School Confidential was playing here all last week but was too busy to see it.
Popped into the theater yesterday at the AMC to see it.
My two cents: Not as good, funny or well-acted as Ghost World, but definitely a good film. Didn't know how they were gonna work the campus strangler into the plot but they did nicely. Only me and one other guy in there. Older gentleman who wanted to be my friend after it was over, following me into the urinals and all afterwards. I was talking to Rachel on my cel waiting for the movie to start and told her when he came in he was gonna be a doozie.
Damn I am psychic.
I ran to my car.
Then D and I went to see Poseidon (sp?) and got to watch Fergie get wet alll over.
And not by the yellow stuff.
That bitch got douched by a giant tidal wave.
D and I really liked this movie (not that I would own it or anything), but, the action was fast-paced and it had some cool stunt sequences.
Best parts: Fergie looking up and getting douched.
Boat captain telling crew to hold on he hears something, grabs his binoculars, looks out, and you can see a big tidal wave in his binocular lens (funny as shit like a cartoon).
Richard Dreyfuss wearing an earring and calling another male character "honey". Oh geez.
The blatant racist overtones: every hispanic character eats it in gruesome and brutal ways. It was so damn squirm-inducing. All the whiteys make it.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby D!

A blast was had this past weekend in Skavannah with all the peeps.
I hope everyone got home safely, etc and are back to their routines with a smile on their face.
Today is my boy D's birfday and I just wanna give a big shoutout to him.
I am sure he will be getting a very big Bronx Cheer from the lovely people at his workplace today.
Don't get any on your face, D.
Happy Birthday, baby!