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Happy 20th, Rachey-E!

Happy Birthday wishes go out to my lil' sister Rachel, who turns 20 today. I am so proud of you and can't believe how old you've gotten. It was just yesterday I was changing your saggy diapers. Boy, did they stink. Anyways, Happy Birthday Rachey-E! Love yooooooouuuuuuUUU!

Click on Chucky above to check out the autographs I got at the recent horror convention in Orlando last weekend. Also, have to tell you all that 1- The new Texas Chainsaw movie was better than any in the series (including the original). Disgusting, vulgar, bleak, depressing, but DAMN EFFECTIVE. 2- If you haven't, check out Best Week Ever on VH1 this weekend. There were some pretty funny moments. 3- AMC has the top 15 scariest horror films again this Halloween. I have a reeeeaaaaal problem with their #1 choice though. The movie was horrible and SCARIEST?!?!? You kidding me? 4- I just logged in all the DVDs in my collection on a website and the number is over 400. I need help. Transmission out.

Whew! Back home from visiting everyone in Orlando this past weekend! And whatta weekend it was! No ressss for the weary here. D and I left for O-Town Wednesday late afternoon. I had made some tees before we left for myself, Bri, and Stacy to wear to this horror convention we were going to on Saturday called Screamfest. The tee designs and stuff wore me out because at first I had ordered them through a company online and then at the last minute they emailed to let me know that I had violated their copyright laws (having licensed imagery on shirts). So, quickly finding and implenting a plan B, Duane and I went and bought some cheeeep tees and purchased the inkjet tee transfers (thanks for the tip last year about those, Steph!). The tees turned out beautifully and we were glad we did them this way in the end. I had also created some promo cards to hand out at the convention (art posted above). On Thursday, D and I went to Universal Studios (we have annual passes and DAYUM those are worth it!) and then that night met up with Bri and Mel's sis Rachel for a HOTT time at Halloween Horror Nights. Lotsa screamin' jumpin', jivin' and wailin'. Luckily for me, Rach was there with us and she could be the token scaredy cat. My gig was finally up. Friday, we met up with Bri, Mel and Rach for some awesome din din and caught a midnight showing of one of my favorite films, Fright Night at the theater at CityWalk at Universal Studios. DAYUM that was AWESOME! On Thursday, we found out about the showing and I literally embarassed Duane in public I was so damn thrilled. It was the original print of the film so it was all scratchy and shit. There wasn't no love for Charlie Brewster or Peter Vincent that night though, cuz we were the only ones there. Everyone else was going to see that damn Grudge 2 crappola. What's with kids today and their shitty PG-13 horror? UGH! But I digress....so anyways, D and I were totally drunk and still enjoyed Fright Night. Saturday, as I stated above, me, Bri, and Stacy went to the Screamfest horror convention at the Wyndham hotel. Smaaaaaaalll-ass convention but plenty of geeks, freaks, and nutballs to keep us entertained. I blew my load on some autographs of BARRRELY famous horror film peeps and got photos. Check em' out on my Flickr page here. I will be posting pics of my autographs on there soon! Saturday night, Bri, myself, Duane, Mel and her sis went to the Parliament House for Pride Weekend and caught Miss RuPaul live! AWESOME! I also got a chance to give her the artwork I created a while ago. She said she "TOTALLY remembers that" when I emailed it to her some months ago. She thanked me, laughed and said it was really good (the artwork) and grabbed my hand and said thanks again. I got her to autograph another copy of the artwork for me to keep. I'll post that shit later too. That night was a blast and ended with a lovely trip to greaseball heaven, Steak N' Shake, where I downed another Caramle Apple shake with wild abandon (and mooched cheese fries off of Mel and Rach). Duane left Sunday and I stuck around with Bri and we went and saw Jackass 2 that night after we caught an ep of that Tyra model show. The BEASSSS that got kicked off that night had me crying with her HORRRRRIBLE pass at modeling as a bearded lady. Steph! You woulda WORKED that shit for all its worth! Too bad you weren't available. That bitch just embarassed herrrrself. On Monday, Bri and I hit Universal again and tried to ride rides but damn if they weren't like, saving money and shit and only running like, half the rides and all. Lines were longer than usual and all but it was still cool. We had a badass time. Then on Tuesday, I met up with Stacy (whom was a gracious host for me and D for mossst of the trip) to go to the Disney Halloween event. It was cute and had some badass decorations and a pretty awesome parade (usually not into that crap but it was good). You could go around the park and trick or treat and I gorged on candy that night (and last night to be exact). Hell, that candy is running my life currently. Ever had one after the other of Airheads? That shit is good. I think I can hear my teeth scream in pain, but, oh well. Whatta damn good time we had. Wish everyone could get together this year for Halloween, but, maybe next year or that following year. We'll make it work. D and I are heading to O-Town not this weekend but the following for a sleepover par-tay with horror movie marathon and food galore! Anyone wanna come up, LET US KNOW!!! Otherwise, we will see the majority of you guys soon enoough in a few weeks! We be PUMPED!
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