Saturday, February 25, 2006Thursday, February 23, 2006Links, Links, Links
Here's some links for today: First up, I was on Data Lounge this morning. PLEASE tell me this shit is a joke.....unbeWEAVEable! Everyone was laughing their ass off at that crap! Secondly, I snagged another opportunity to do a cover for The Free Times publication I do weekly Crime Blotter illos for. Go here to check out the cover work. If you click on the cover, it'll take you to the article and another view of my cover art. Hope all is well! LATA. Tuesday, February 21, 2006Happy Bday, L!!!!![]() Yes, I am talking about today's bday girl herself, Laura. She came to visit this past Friday and we drove her back home yesterday. Our upstairs shower had a tussle with her and she slipped and damaged her knee. She is home and on meds and will be in contact with her doctor this week. More updates as they come in. But, besides all that, she is having a BIRTTTTHHHHDAY today! So happy bday, miss L. At least we had some cake BEFORE the accident, right? Don't party too hard. Love ya! Tuesday, February 14, 2006Tuesday, February 07, 2006Blessing and a Curse
Murmurings from the cave, people.
Mucho tarde congratulaciones to Steph and Josh on their engagement!!!! Happy news for the week! Shout out to Jen for her awesome design at the tshirt site! Shout out to Joe and me being an absentminded jackass for being late in contacting him. Shout out to Mel for getting her sewing projects off the ground and getting semi-paid from SCAD from her previous works! Shout out to Laura, whom we look forward to seeing at the end of next week ("the countdown continues"!) I have been immersing myself in painting here at the house on that John Waters series I hinted at earlier. Finishing them up but not quite done yet. That meant watching all his films (just about) on DVD and listening to the commentaries, etc, then making screen caps of scenes, or taking photos of the tv, then printing out for reference. I am feeling mucho filthy after this project but excited for everyone to see. Also applied for a job here in Columbia that's art-related but don't wanna talk about it in danger of jinxing it. On another note: I will say that I am MOST upset at a recent event in my area (and yours too). For the 1 or 2 of you out there that actually entered on of these stores, the Musicland chain(Media Play, Sam Goody, Suncoast) are closing a TON of their shops, mainly the Sam Goody's and Suncoasts. These stores were my suppliers, my pushers. I would get my action figures and collectibles at the Sam Goodys and Suncoast here in Columbia. As I come in today from making a trip out to the mall, I am sad to say, they are no more. The 2 Sam Goodys and the only Suncoast here in Columbia are closing and now going through liquidation sales. All of the Suncoasts in the state of SC are closing and a buncha Sam Goodys too. Ok, it's not like you would ever consider buying a movie or music from these stores, where cds run ya like twenty bucks or movies almost cost damn thirty. It's the toys, people. No more Freddy fixations. No more feeding of my Buffy binges. If you listen closely, you can hear the large gasp and sigh of geeks like me EVERYWHERE. Click on the Suncoast image below to see if these stores are closing in your area, then go there and get me something on sale in rememberance! Right now everything is like 20% off, but give it time, peeps and get out there and act like vultures, cleaning out these carcasses of stores! ![]() |