Thursday, September 28, 2006

Recent Artwork

Hey guys!
Just wanted you all to know that my recent work featured in the horror magazine called "Horrorhound" has hit the newsstands and the issue has been sent out to subscribers recently.
I got mine in the mail today and I was VERY pleased with how my work looked printed.

The illustration was to be of Rob Zombie directing the new Halloween film (which he got the gig to direct-should be out sometime October 2007). It's a one-panel joke/comic that has him directing his mainstays (actors in his other two films) in the roles of characters from the original Halloween movie. This is more than likely not how it's gonna be but a comment on how he likes to use actors he is familiar with in all his films (including his wife Sheri Moon).
Needless to say, this project was right up my alley.
I am pleased with the way it turned out and have to thank the guys at Horrorhound for seeking my out and giving me the opportunity to have my work published in their mag (was already a subscriber and fan beforehand).
If you wanna seek out this magazine (issue #4), go to your local Hot Topic stores in the mall, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Waldenbooks, Tower Records, or B. Dalton Booksellers.

Keep your eyes glued to the blog for more posting of recent works (when I get permission by clients!)
Hope this finds everyone well and good!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Procrastinatin' Patrick

So, I haven't been working alot today.
I'm what Rachey-E calls a "Procrastinating Patrick" today.
I did finish a To Wong Foo music video that I have been working on in my spare time lately. That thing was calling out to me in the middle of the night to finish, so I did.
Not really liking it a whole lot (too frenetic, not a solid meaning to it all), but, I am glad I did it and got it out to You Tube for peeps to check it and all. Hope some die hard Stockard Channing fans enjoy it.
Up next, a 9 to 5 tribute music vid.
Keep yo' eyes peeled, peeps.
In the meantime, bask in some of this Vida-Noxeema-Chi Chi goodness:

Ok, back to work.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

All By Myseeelllllf

Hello, bloggers.
I am currently all alone for the week whilst D is visiting family in Kentucky.
I am alone and procrastinating like a mutha on projects.
Nah, really I am being good but have been taking long pauses to clean, or work on a badass music vid for YouTube or, like today, took a trip to see Little Miss Sunshine for my Tuesday free popcorn at the local cinema.
That movie was my favorite movie of the summer next to The Devil Wears Prada.
Ya gotta go check it out.
It's a movie Bri would say "Has heart".
Me, him and Mel were gonna see it this past Saturday when I went to visit them but we all were too tired and decided to stay at home and laugh at Lifetime movies.
I have to say that was a friggin' BLAST! Just like the good ol' days...except with yummy homemade ME-X-ICAN!
Anyhoo-I am also blogging to start a nice little coloring contest here at Trav's Total Experience. Upon Ray Ray's church trip travels recently (see her blog sometime soon for a post about that amazing experience HOPEFULLY SOON, Ray!), she brought back to me what could be described as a Walmart-special, chubby-thick, cheeeeepieee coloring book.
At first glance, I was bored to tears.
Then, as family was over during my last visit to Roanoke, I had a sinister idea.
I began to deface and "filthify" the coloring pages to make my own naughty coloring book.
By drawing over the line illustrations or adding to them, the drawings took on all new meanings.
This had me and the family laughing our asses off for a good while.
Now it's time to share it with you guys.
I am going to post 2 pages for your coloring enjoyment here and on my IBTrav Illustration profile on Myspace so that my MS peeps can get in on the fun.
Here's the catch: only you select few cool people on this blog will be eligible to win a filthy prize for the best creation.
Print out one of the following coloring pages, colorize it or add wackiness to it, then email it to me to post on this here blog.
Submissions need to be in to me no later than next Friday, September 15th at midnight.
Get wacky, get crazy. Just don't get into trouble at work (ie printing em' out or viewing em'). They're kinda naughty. Tee hee.
Winners will be posted on this blog Monday, September 18th and will receive their (yet to be determined filthy) prizes by mail.Here are the first two images to choose from.
Click on the one you wanna print out and deface and it will take u to the large size, printable version:

Deface them any way you will, just make sure they are colored and emailed to me.
Keep your eyes peeled on my IBTrav Illustrations Myspace page for other color pages to print out, color and put up on your fridge for yo' mammas to be proud of!
Ta ta fo' now, bitches. Big Brother is almost on...