Ah...The Sweet Memories...

Well guess what?
Trav consumed about half a baker's dozen while visiting The Sikorski residence this weekend with my boy D in tow.
Those damn confections have gone down da hatch and ain't comin back. They Lost. No numbers are bringing their sweet asses back.
An they were goooooooood too.
Big thanks to Bri and Mel for hosting us again this past weekend while D and I scoped for houses in Gainesville.
Mel came with that lovely day and we got our eyes full of some new homes being built in Gainesville, not to mention we finally got to see there was more to this town than a college.
It was really nice and we're looking forward to living there sooooon.
Speaking of looking forward to, is anyone looking forward to the fun about ta be had in Skavannah this weekend?
A large 40 is being spilt for those who won't be with us this year: namely Fanny, Laura and Stacy.
You all will be sadly missed. We will do a slow song in karaoke for yo asses.
Hope we see ya next year!