Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ah...The Sweet Memories...

Remember those cupcakes Mel was taunting us all with on her blog not too long ago?
Well guess what?
Trav consumed about half a baker's dozen while visiting The Sikorski residence this weekend with my boy D in tow.
Those damn confections have gone down da hatch and ain't comin back. They Lost. No numbers are bringing their sweet asses back.
An they were goooooooood too.
Big thanks to Bri and Mel for hosting us again this past weekend while D and I scoped for houses in Gainesville.
Mel came with that lovely day and we got our eyes full of some new homes being built in Gainesville, not to mention we finally got to see there was more to this town than a college.
It was really nice and we're looking forward to living there sooooon.
Speaking of looking forward to, is anyone looking forward to the fun about ta be had in Skavannah this weekend?
A large 40 is being spilt for those who won't be with us this year: namely Fanny, Laura and Stacy.
You all will be sadly missed. We will do a slow song in karaoke for yo asses.
Hope we see ya next year!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Birtttthhhhhhhhdayyyyyyy Melly-Mel!

Birthday shoutouts go out to my main girl from Montana today as it's the day she was birfed!
Mel, hope you have a fan-TAB-ulous day, today.
These birthday wishes are brought to you live from Roanoke, VA.
Ray, ma and everyone here all wish ya a happy "natal" day as you and Bri call it!
Get crunk, get drunk, and party hearty!
See ya soooon!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ceiling Cat is Watching You...

If you are posed with the question as to whether or not view the film "Date Movie", please decline it at alllll cost!
Whatta piece of shit! D and I took a trip to the Dolla Movie theater here in town and literally walked outta that turd not even halfway through. GODAWFUL!
In other news, we are getting ready to begin the eBay portion of our "sell everything" campaign here at Casa Blandford/Falligant. Click here to view our first item up for sale. Remember it?
"It's gonna be a BEAAARRRRRQUAKE!"
D thinks one of the pics (3rd one) will scare away any buyers, I tend to disagree.
I think it's pretty frikkin' funny.
I also leave you with a random pic I found online. I love this.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring Cleaning

After the acceptance of the job in Gainesville, D and I are beginning to get stuff cleaned up here at the casa, which also means selling a bunch o' shit on Amazon.com and, eventually, eBay.
Whatever is left over, we are putting in Goodwill boxes and then possibly having a yardsale for all the cheap, southern-fried birds in Columbia.
This month is going to be busy for us, with every weekend meaning going out of town or whatevah. Then , after Sidewalk Arts, we plan on putting the house up for sale.
Then that means rearranging the house for people who come by.
Which REALLLY means Trav has to take all of his stuff down. No more speakers or watching DVDs in the den.
No more Freddy vs. Jason prop over tv.
Entertainment cabinet in den being sold.
Trav's horror toy collection upstairs being boxed, etc.
Hello? Is Travis still here?
I think I might be going through a loss of personality once the house is up for sale.
But are we really who we are because of the things we own?
If that's true, then I must be a serial killer.
But I digress...
In other news, I talked to my pal Joe in Cali and he won't be able to make it for Sidewalk Arts this year (I was hoping to get him to come up to meet everyone and to party with us.) It'll suck without ya, Weg, but another time, huh?
The big 3-0 is looming around the corner and now I am really taking a look at my life and accomplishments thus far. I need to get on the gun with my portfolio and website.
I think starting the other Myspace page for IBTrav Illustrations is a good start to get my work out to more people and also a good push for me to produce more current work for my portfolio.
Finally, (ending this free thought post), I bet you all would love to see a new site to play around in.
Witness the amazement known as Hot Ghetto Mess.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Happily Departed

As I stood in the new releases section of the DVD Department at Best Buy this morning (promptly at opening time), I noticed quite a few older men hovering near the area where there were brand new copies of Brokeback Mountain on DVD for sale.
I rolled my eyes and kind of negatively guffawed to myself and walked right up to get a copy.
Come on guys.
Who gives a shit? Be yourselves.
We're Here. We're Queer. Get used to it, right?
Started a conversation with a guy in his 50's who was gay and stuck in Columbia.
His partner was brought up here and doesn't wanna move.
He has a "lucrative" job at Verizon, he said.
I told him his partner could get any number of those "lucrative" Verizon jobs all across the country, why here?
The guy agreed and looked at me forlornly.
He said he is miserable here.
I seconded that emotion.
All I could offer was a "hang in there, you'll get out of here soon".
I couldn't resist though, and had to tell the man that I had a "get out of jail soon" card.
Duane and I plan on moving from Columbia once and for all.
We're moving to Gainesville, FL.
I saw the man was in pain but I couldn't hold back the utterance.
I am getting outta this SHITHOLE!
Duane has accepted a job at the VA hospital in Gainesville.
The move will take place in July probably and we are putting the house on the market here once we are back from Sidewalk Arts in Savannah at the end of April.
It's still kinda new in our heads right now and Duane is stressed, but we both know it's for the better and long overdue.
We can't wait.
Just had to share it with you all.
WE MOVIN'!!!!!