Friday, August 26, 2005

Reminiscing, Ray Ray, and Ringtones

It seemed like yesterday I was rocking my baby sis, Rachel to sleep or changing her stinky diapers.
Now I have just gotten back from taking her to college.
Time flies.
I have been checking in with her every so often over the last few days and can remember when I was nervous about starting a new chapter of my life and all that stuff.
I know you will do great, Ray. Best o' luck.
I will always be here if you need me.
I have been busy working on my resume' and stuff, applying for a job in Orlando that Mel found for me on Career Builder.
It's an Illustrator/ Designer position. They are looking for someone with a background in caricature. What are the odds, eh?
From what I could find out about them online, they seem to have some ties with the military....we shall see.
This is the dilemma here: D and I want to leave Columbia. He has sent a resume' to the VA hospital in Orlando blindly, hoping to get a response or garner interest. He doesn't expect to hear anything or what not but is giving his all to try at least.
I want to get out of Columbia and try at a career for me, but I don't know what this means for us.
Only time will tell, as these are The Days Of Our Lives....cue soapy music.
Speaking of an upgraded cel phone last week to stay in touch with Rachel in school and with mom now that she is alone with Jake at the apt.
I have ringback tones on my phone (you call me up, you'll hear music instead of the phone ringing).
Currently, I have two choices: The Perfect Way by Scritti Politti, an 80's gem, and Eden by Hooverphonic, a song I have loved for a long while.
Not unline American Idol, I would like you all to vote on which tone you want to hear when calling me and leave a comment at the end of this blog post. I will make sure your ears are ringing with the right sounds that way.
I also have new ringtones for everyone and they are:
Bri-Pee Wee theme (new and improved! reminds me of you)
Joe- Back to the Future theme (couldn't find any Garth and didn't want Larry the Cable Guy ringtones on my phone, so this was the closest thing that reminded me of u...u and I obsessing over these's a cool ringtone too)
Mel- They-Jem (reminds me of you-u played it alot)
Stac-Sittin' Up In My Room-Brandy (yeh I found it. now electric slide yo ass girl!)
Laura- Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme (you+me+Buffy=good times)
Jen-Degrassi Junior High theme (couldn't believe I saw this)
Jo- Dontcha-Pussycat Dolls (originally mom wanted this but found I Love Lucy and wanted that for hers. This one reminds me of you cuz you are so damn wild and RAW! I had Brass Monkey for yours but gave it to my bro instead....his crazy ass)
Steph- California (OC Theme) (You KNOW I had to get this one for you, girl!)
Duane- Invincible-Pat Benatar (got this for D-he loves this song and the movie The Legend of Billie Jean)
Rachel- Hollaback Girl-Gwen Stefani (reminds me of all the times I drove you to school this past year while I was visiting and scaring the shit out of your classmates by rolling down the windows and yelling THE SHIT IS BANANAS! at them.)
There you have it folks. If any of you are reading this and are saying "What the hell about me??!!?!", ask yourselves if you gave me your cel number and then if not, GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY!
I want to thank you all for the please to return to this here blog. I was going to plunge myself out of a 5 story window when I read them and your love pulled me back in.
I am going out of town with Duane again this coming Sunday thru Tuesday (shaddup Jen) but I will be back with many stories to share and might *gasp!* even post before I leave!
Take care all of you and have a great weekend!
Later bitches!

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Ok, so I've been outta the loop for a while now.
It goes something like this: travelling to Orlando, having a great time with Bri, Mel and Stacy, working on resume when back home, getting said resume' together along with cover letter and samples, going to local SC Kinko's and battling inbred retards, finally sending off everything to company in Orlando, getting D's resume' and cover letter together and mailed off to Orlando VA in hopes of a "bite", eBay eureka selling, weekly household chores, weekly blotter illustration work, ideas for new website via Mel, getting on road again tomorrow morning to help Rachel move in to college next Tuesday.
There. Whew.
So sorry I haven't been in the loop.
I promise to be after next Tuesday (or maybe even before....who knows).
Cheers all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Coming Distractions...and a BIG UPs to MEL!

I've been super-immersed like a madman in making banners for Rachel's blog. I have been having so much fun with that.
If you all look, Duane's blog has two varying banners at the top. I am loving this stuff!
Big ups to Bri, Mel and Jen for getting me hooked on the whole banner thing. I think this here blog will be getting a facelift soon but not sure if I am going for a WHOLE Dolemite theme.
I have to say I do like the random movie image banners. What do you guys think?
Hit me up on here and lemme know if it would be too damn cheezy to do what I did on Rachel's blog on mine?
In other news, the hole we thought the squirrels were getting into the house is finally closed up.
This morning, however, it sounded like a gaggle of them were scurrying around inside again.
Damn them and their little resourceful asses!
Finally, all of you Busey fans out there (like me and my sis Rachel), get ready to rejoice.
The man is back and in (my fave genre) a horror movie!
Not just any horror movie.
Click here to see the trailer now.
And for any of you that want to see the poster art, here you go:

PLEASE make sure you watch the trailer. This is gonna be some good shit! Right up there with Jack Frost, Dolly Dearest, Demonic Toys, Puppetmaster, Leprechaun, Rumplestilskin,ahh. The list goes on....
This just in:
Mel Sikorski has finished her online portfolio and it is the fuckin' SHIT!
PLEASE do yourself a favor and check it out here.
I am so proud of her.....sniff, sniff, like a momma with some tig ol' bitties crying in her handkerchief.
Mel, ya did good's great!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's 6am...

and I am writing to you all.
One of those little >!@#*&@#!bleeps!< is in the wall again EARLY this morning.
Duane got up and beat against the wall and it quited down.
Then it started again.
I just got up and came in here to let you all know about this.
As I sign on to the computer, I notice a LOOOONG delay in the internet loading.....
It's the cable modem signal.
The signal is shitty because one of those little bastards knocked down the cable line yesterday.
It's gonna take like a year to get this posted.
I hope we catch more of em today.
I am gonna leave this next group in the slum part of town. They desuuurve it.

Friday, August 05, 2005


We are being attacked here at home people.
Today, our phone (or cable, can't tell) line was cut down.
At night, we can hear them trying to get into our house.
We see them on our deck taunting us during the day and night.
Sometimes, Duane will look out the big window in the kitchen and he will catch a group of them staring right into his eyes.
I always thought before I moved here that Duane was imagining things.
I was wrong.
Dead wrong.
They are out to get us.
To ruin our home, our sleep, our lives.
I am talking about the muthafuckin squirrels in our backyard.
As I posted earlier, Duane bought some traps to catch them bastards last week, and we put em up on Tuesday.
Didn't catch any of em.
Until today.
That's right.
I came outside to find one of the many cables attached to our house on the ground.
I looked to one trap, it was empty, but in the other one, was a fat wad of fur, struggling to get out.
I laughed out loud and did what anyone in my situation would do: I went in and got the camera.
I sat and snapped photo after photo of the mothafucka, while he went into a frenzy in the cage.
I was giggling all the while, taunting him, thinking of all the past nights' sleep I had lost at his and his brethren's paws. Scratching all damn night in between our walls and shit.
It was fun to degrade the little animal like that while he was scared shitless.
I am not evil, I have just lost all compassion for the little beasts.
Before, D would try to poison them or spray them with some chemical to kill em, and I would get on him about nature, God's creatures, etc.
These little beasties are ferocious, and not to mention most importantly of all, ABUNDANT.
They're all over the fuckin' yard.
We took the little captive in the car and miles away to the side of a road and dumped his little acorn-lovin' ass into the wild. C-YA!
Go to flickr here to see our Amazing Adventure captured in photo.
Yeh.....we bad. We know it.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

No no no no....don't FUNK IN MY TRUNKS

Let me just start out by posting this.
I wanted to post it 2 days ago when I unearthed it but, I wanted to keep the Fanny poster up for her birthday (the full part of the day).
I don't know why but this pic makes me DIE laughing. Since I saw it, it's been all over the place on the internet, and so having said that....
I shall move on.
I have gotten the Flickr bug from seeing all of your pics on the site and I figured I would give it a whirl.
I put up the first set of pics....from Duane and my trip to VA last weekend. Check em out here.
I hope you all was quite fun. I will REALLY be posting some more pics later as I can see it will become an obsession of mine.
Speaking of obsession: I have also, aside from basking in the newly reran eps of The Golden Palace on Lifetime, gotten the "itch" to start eBaying.
Been meaning to for a while (got a TON of worthless shit I need to get rid of), but last night I just got the major push I needed (they are coming out with an ULTIMATE Buffy DVD collection, featuring all 7 seasons plus a new disc).
I am a WHORE when it comes to Buffy and I'm hawking all my 7 seasons worth of DVDs on eBay.
That's what it took.
Now I am off and running. I have put up more stuff today and will continue to do so til we have successfully gotten rid of extra CRAP we don't need around here anymore.
This weekend shall also see the beginning of work on the outer installations on the house for Halloween this year.
I will DEFINITELY post about that later on.
Hope all is well with my favorite little bugaboos.
Until next time......

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Fanny!

I have known Jo for going on 10 years now and I can't believe it!
It seems like almost yesterday we were at O-House, quoting Dolemite, waxing philosophical on life and relationships, and laughing til' we were red in the face from acting totally STOOPID.
Fanny-here's to hoping you have a great day today...
Happy Birthday, Sporty Spice.