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Shave and a Haircut
So's Trav's got a new 'do. It is very short. I look military or like that crazy son from Nip/Tuck ('cept for the face, cuz he looks like a damn extraterrestrial). The haircut would be great for summer, but notsomuch for right now. Now I am freezing my ass from head to toe, literally. The new chick at my local Mastercuts or whatever buzzed me up. I shoulda known when I didn't feel or hear and scissors snipping away at my minimal locks and just using the clippers that I was in for a chrome-dome look. On another note: Duane and I are doing our Christmas thing tonight and I am leaving tomorrow for Roanoke/he for Kentucky. Oh, my Thanksgiving visit was such a wondrous joy...can't wait for Christmas! 
Two Opposable Thumbs Up

Saw King Kong last night with D. Very good. Very long. Didn't get up to pee once though. Special effects were amazing. The sheer scope of Adrien Brody's schnoz on screen was the most extraordinary effect. If it wasn't for the old Iranian guy behind us stomping the floor right by our ears or pushing the toe of his shoe between our seats when we turned around a couple of times, the ending woulda really gotten me. I was all prepared. But I didn't moisten up. The movie had heart, like Brian would say and it was action packed.
Hell to tha NO!

I wanna scream! FOX is cancelling our weekly guilty pleasure here at home. The show Reunion. 
Granted, the acting's not really Emmy-amazingand the show is overly melodramatic to the point of laughter. BUT, it's got a badass Breakfast Club/nostalgia vibe going for it. And did I mention each ep is a year in the lives of 6 friends, leading up to 2005, to determine who murdered one of them? And did I ALSO mention each ep has period appropriate music from that year. Broken Wings, All I Want....ALL THE DAMN HITS! Alas, that shitty network Fox, notorious for dropping shows like hotcakes, is dumping it. The problem with this is that we will never find out who the murderer is. That was to be revealed in the final ep. Those bastards won't air the remaining 12 eps. And they said there won't be a dvd release OR explanation of the missing eps. FOX, just air the remaining episodes. All you're gonna do is air COPS reruns and shit. Who wants to see more pimps and hos getting smacked against the hood of a cop car? I can go a block from our neighborhood and see that shit! I am going to take a running leap and do a swan dive out of the second story window here in protest. (Only problem is, no one is home in the neighborhood right now so my suicide attempt would be in vain. No audience). BUT I DIGRESS! Hope all is well with everyone and this week's Jive Term is act a foo. 
Example: "When I heard FOX was cancelling the show Reunion, I had to act a foo". Don't forget to check out my peeps' blog, Twisted Commune, here.
Return of the Jive Term Friday!
It's commmiinnnnng to get you, Queenie! The Return of the Jive Term Friday! Ok, so it's a little later in the day but nonetheless, it's time for the Jive Term of da Week! BIG, MAD props to Stacy for the Slang 2 Postcards, for which I might never have been able to start this ongoing feature at Total Experience. Stac got me the first set of flashcards last Christmas and this Christmas, she blessed me with the gift of slang again this year! Wait'll you all get some of these. Even funnier than the first! In honor of Stac, I am sending out this jive term from the brand new second set to you faithful readers. This week's term is: pimp. Don't forget to use it in a sentence this weekend! Have a good one... 
Happy Birthday B!
Happy Birthday shout outs today to my best friend, Brian. We've known each other for over 10 years now...damn we're gettin' old. Hope you have a great day today! Blow out all yo candles like a good boy and make a big damn wish, and you just miiiiight get a bonus wit dat check! Look forward to seeing you at New Years! Below is a snapshot of Bri at an early age, enjoying one of his first birthdays at a Chuck E. Cheese in Orlando. I think Chuck E. was giving him more than free tokens in that pic.

Potty Mouths
My momma has always said I have a problem with my "potty mouth". I guess I learned it growing up. She says I got it from my best friend Joe. I dunno. ANYhoo-it's something, as an adult I am trying to control, like Dr. Banner's rage. I was watching some John Waters movies and a documentary the last two days and I was noticing how the FCC regulates movie profanity and also determines how many F-BOMBS a movie can have. If you're movie has 1 "fuck" I believe, then you can pass with a "PG-13". If you have a character say "I wanna fuck", then your movie becomes beyond-"R" rated material and ventures into the "NC-17" areas. I found a page today that is interesting. Click here to see it. It shows the usage of the F-word in films and which films have used it the most. Wouldn't you know at the top of the list is my good ol' Captain Spaulding and The Devil's Rejects. I have to say, that, in the movie, the characters constantly saying "F this and F that" got on my nerves a little, but, overall made my filthy self feel right at home. I would also like to end this post with a link solely for Steph (and possibly Laura if she remembers). I stumbled across this link yesterday after visiting IMDB. Lemme know if you guys know what movie this is from... Clue: NAUGHTY 2!
Christmas Spirit
Ho Ho Ho Kiddies! As you can tell, the Christmas spirit has wafted through Total Experience like an eye watering bathroom odor. Duane had the tree up and stuff when I got back from my VA Thanksgiving Hell Visit and Bri and Mel have both decorated their blogs and home and so, well, I have been bitten with the Christmas bug. Hope you all enjoy. With the Christmas spirit, Trav also caught the Christmas Crud. So I sit here in all my sloppiness at the computer, typing this. I am not really in the mood for a Jive Term Friday. Hope that sits well with the 1 of you that looks forward to that each week. I am also working on the look for Ray Ray's blog as well so her birds have something to chirp about for the holidays. So be on the lookout for a temporary holiday look for her blog too! On my last note: I have some ideas for gifts for the following people and now I am sending out a plea to everyone else: GIMME SOME IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS! I have ideas from: Bri Mel Laura (still awaiting some more ideas)... Now I need some idears from the rest of you. It's not like you're gonna be getting a new car. I ain't no O, ok? But, I would like to hear some of your items on each of your lists, STAT! Who care if you've been naughty or nice, Santa T always delivers his girls and boys some great gifts (no socks, lumps of coal, or snowy white turds here). Email me or post your lists on this here blog. I'm waiting. Ok....I am still waiting. Get to it! Have a good weekend ya'll!
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