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 I am torn apart folks. Today, I look to my Yahoo page for my usual late breaking world news and was torn apart. Two issues I feel MUCHO strongly about had my eyes seeing red. The threat of terrorism is very serious. But so is this story here. We need to stop the threat of Hollywood blunderheads babbling on about things they should have no part of. Let's just spell it out plainly here folks: we need to put a stop to the likes of Freddie Prinze Jr. He has stanked up many a flick in his time, with his open-mouth style of "Whuh?" acting. To say this human stain can act is like saying Tara Reid is a LITTLE drunk. The man is a pantywaist. What made me mad as hell today was the news, that while promoting his new fall show, "Freddie", (all about the WACKY trevails of growing up priviledged with not talent), he told reporters that his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar, would NEVER consider doing aNOTHER Buffy project again. My heart sunk. While I giggled inside at the whole scene that occured at this "press junket" and by the fact that NO ONE gave two shits about "Freddie", but wanted to talk about his wife, I couldn't help but feel a large stake get jabbed into my heart. No Buffy movies in the future? Mothafucka you gotta be KIDDING ME! That's what I have been LIVING for for like, FOREVER....or at least when the show ended May 2003! WHATTA BASTARD! And it would figure he would be the one to deliver that nasty bit o' news! Who am I kidding? When Sarah Michelle Gellar's shitty stint as movie star is done (which should be soon), she'll be CRAWLING back to the role that made her famous! She better do it FAST, too bitch! The OTHER bit o sad news is about my Paula. That poor Miss Abdul. Saw her recently on a news show and she was slurring away. Not makin' any damn sense. Talking about some manicure infection she got. Great, Paula. What happened to you my child? The latest news is she is being investigated before the new season of American Idol begins due to the allegation from that asswipe loser Cory Clark, who said she had an affair with him during season 2 of the show. Although I wouldn't put it past my girl, it's a shame she is swirling down the shitter so quickly. Ah....the days of Skat Kat and Diet Coke commercials..... Well....I am off to a weekend of getting out of town with Duane....we shall return Monday! Ya'll be good my little bloggers! A quick shout-out to Bob, whom I did some work for on his upcoming book, Call the Cops!. Hope this blog doesn't throw you for a loop. I know I'm crazy.....but I'm a damn loveable guy too! Check out Bob's blog link to the side! LATER!
Today, let's celebrate the birthdays of two friends of mine. They both fall in the same day and they both live in or near California. First up, a Happy Birthday wish goes out to the Big Cheezy himself, my best bud, Joe Wegat. Joe and I met in 8th grade when I moved to a California and we have been best friends ever since. Through different school years, different cliques, family issues at home, we have always remained good friends. I hope you have a happy birthday spud..........  Today's other birthday wish goes out to my pal Steph, whom I met my Junior year at SCAD. We met, along with Laura in our Intro to Animation class with one Miss nutbag Hoescher. We would get together as a group and go to movies, hang out in my dorm room, catch the People's Court and recognize people together, swap horror stories about home life, and watch cheezy horror movie marathons. It wasn't until last April that we saw each other again, but now we keep in touch via the internet and will hopefully hang out again soon.  Happy Birthday you two......hope it's a great one!
The Devil's Rejects

Me and muh boys are getting along smashingly today. There they are up top there. Buddy is the older, maturer one. Caesar is the younger, more hotshot of the two.Together, they can be dangerous. As I was working on this post, I went outside to check on them and couldn't find em'. The next door neighbor dog, Sammy (whom we looked after a few weeks ago), was barking excitedly. I looked around the yard, couldn't find them. Then I saw the supposed "WILD" one under the fig tree in the shade like a "good boy". I called for Buddy, the older, more "MATURE" one, and saw him running alongside the fence on the OTHER SIDE!!! He was in the freakin' neighbor's yard! I looked again at the fig tree and the innocent one Caesar, and he was deliberately covering up the handy work the two miscreants had been working on each time I had left them outside: they had dug a hole from our yard, under the fence, to the other yard! Damn! It was a jail break! That shit was like Shawshank! I couldn't do anything but laugh at my two little criminal boys. They just looked up at me, wagging their tails, while I cleaned off their muddy paws... Last night we went to the Devil's Rejects screening and had a DAMN good time! We both enjoyed the movie (I was afraid I would get the dreaded "duckbill pout" from D in protest after it was over, but he dug the gritty, filthy flick!) Me toooooo! We were outnumbered by hillbillies and goth people there at the screening, but that's my type o' crowd, doesn't bother me at all (anyone that's doing their own thing and not judging anyone else is a big thumbs up in my book). They gave away free mini posters like this one: They also gave away cool-ass buttons like this one(and I was only able to get two: one fo' me and one fo' my bro, Jake).  They were also throwing tshirts out to the audience, and Trav being the very coordinated and athletic badass he is, caught one mid-air, one-handed, to the gasps and "DAMN!" of the hillbillies behind us. What can I say? I'm just good like that! Check out the shirt here->  All in all, a great night. Definitely one of the better movies that we've seen this summer so far. Better than Mr. and Mrs. Smith, War of the Worlds, Batman, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (although that one wasn't all that bad).
How Much is That Doggie...
 So, we're dog sitting here at the Blandford-Falligant estate. The smell of dog fur fresh from outside on a hot summer day still penetrating my nostrils, I type to you, my faithful readers. I thought that D and I wanted a dog so bad. Maybe he still does. Your friendly neighborhood Trav don't want no dog any time soon. They are both sweet, well behaved, and all, but I just seem to put them outside a lot and try and run away from them at any chance I get. All that licking is driving me NUTS! Don't call PETA on me yet, though, cuz I still get down and play with em and pick em up and hold the little buggers and all, but, I dunno, I am just a bastard I guess. In other news, I am dragging my sweet D to Charlotte tonight. Nabbed us advance movie screening passes for the new Rob Zombie throwback to 70's exploitation, grindhouse pictures: The Devil's Rejects. It's a sequel to the less-than-stellar-but-still-cool-in-it's-own-right House of 1000 Corpses, a movie I have pimped on here before. They usually hand out free shit at theses screenings and ask what the audience thought and shit. If I snag some good schwag, then I will be up front and center, all white trash-like, saying how WONDERFUL it was, no matter what. If anyone wants me to pick up anything for them, hollar. You know, like Devil's Rejects salt and pepper shakers. A Devil's Rejects scented stationary set. You name it. Speaking of cool memorabilia, check this shit out I found on eBay this morning. Now that puts my Seed of Chucky condoms to shame, hands down. Very creative. If you have seen the movie, you will get the joke. Also, I have finally had a bit of enlightenment on my artwork. I think I have figured out my style as an illustrator. This has been keeping me up recently at night and has haunted me for years now. Going over my old stuff and checking my strengths and weaknesses, I think I have found a weiner. I will be posting more on this startling change of events soon enough. Finally, get yo bitch asses over to Twisted Yarn and see the new story I started. Spooookeeee...
Happy Birthday Wishes to Stacy!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAC!!!!!!A big Happy Birthday goes out to our friend Stacy who I have known now for going on 11 years now......wow! Time has flown by.Stac has always been a fun gal to tell stories with, watch movies with, talk spooky ghost shenanigans with, she's our own personal E-Ticket to Disney when we're in Orlando.She lets us stay at her house, she drives us around, gets up hip to new music, and also lets us pet her pussies.All in all, a DEAR friend and great all around gal!D and I wish you a happy birthday girl and hope you have a great day today! I am sure we will see you soon! Not much else doing here: big shout out to Rachel (aka Filthy Bird, aka #7, aka Maggot...the list goes on)...who is now on the road with her friend Alyssa and her fam to Philly and then New York! Be careful and have a great trip.The big apple ain't gonna be the same when they getta glimpse of YOUR big apples!
Hell To Tha NO!!!!
Awwww Hellll NO! "Dont'chaWannaDanceSayYaWannaDance, Don't Ya Wanna Dance?"
You Oughta Be In Pictures...
The big T and his pal D are in a new film that hits theateres July 15. You should all check it out. Go here to view the trailer. Big thanks to Rachel for the heads up. In other late breaking news: Trav just received his first official complaint as freelance illustrator for The Free Times here in Columbia. As most of you know, I do a weekly editorial illustration for the Crime Blotter section of this local paper here in hellhole, Columbia. The editor emailed me today and let me know that the Columbia Urban League was upset by my June 15 illustration and felt it was "racially offensive". I have been waiting for a complaint since I started doing these illustrations a year and a half ago for the paper. First one, so I feel "official" now. For those of you that want to know, the image can be viewed here. Suprise, though, in contrast, that no one took offense to the piece I did in last week's paper (for instance). Go figure.
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...
 Hey folks. Figured it was time for another new post. Miss ya already Laura. Had a great time. Everyone, we look forward to Halloween if I hadn't beat that into your skulls enough. Above is a picture of Mariah Scarey (who I still really like despite much ridicule) and who's new album is actually really good. Anyhoo-if no one has noticed, Mariah ain't on the Lohan/Ritchie diet. The girl likes to eat like the rest of us and the only workout she gets is from bending down to pose with the homeless.She's such the humanitarian. She feels the need to support the plight to end poverty by sacrificing herself and her Gucci gown and taking it to the streets, where she poses among the less fortunate,"lower life forms". This'll get people aware Mariah....either that, or you are pulling one seriously fucked up prank, girl. She has really publicly lost it recently, though. Look at the picture above. She had one of her entourage makeup artists PAINT abs on her supple tummy for a July 4th concert. HEELARIOUS! That's about as seamless as this. On a side note about celeb nuttiness, go here for your Cruise fix if you haven't already. Ah, I love it sooooooo.
He's a Yanky Doodle Dandy.....
Happy 4th of July Weekend to everyone!
Hope it all goes off with a bang and you all party it up like all get out. Laura will be coming up to visit tonight and stay through Monday. We don't have a DAMN thing planned but I for one can't wait for her to visit. I need friend-contact BAD (and don't let your minds go to the gutter). It'll be great to have her here. Again, I am plugging D and my "Halloween Spooktacular" this year at our place, 2005-edition style bitches. We want everyone that can come up to stay, to consider it. It'll be one HELLUVA good time! It might even be a Killlller Paaaaaahty! Expect more posting on here as things get worked out. If you all haven't read the newest edition of The Big City News, do it here. (Doo it. Doo it.) Whatta photo. Whatta story. Whatta hilarious damn good time! Peace out to all you filthy posters and remember what the good ol' Captain (above) says: "Have a Great 4th of July, for the love of Jane Russell's big fat horse's ass on toast!"
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