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Good Morning Charlie!

For your viewing pleasure: I present Sodexho's Angels. These are the very women that served SCAD's finest student dining for the 4 years I went to that school. From the left: Sabrina, or 'Brina (aka Pizza Ho). In the center, Miss Linda Love with the student clicker (she was in charge of letting us in to eat every day and DAMN was she a good clicker!). And finally, Miss Margie! Margie always made sure we all got a good balanced meal. She made sure we got "6 ouncesss" of steak when it was served and taught us the finer points to workers' comp. I hope that you Jen and Jo see this post to get ideas as we are all coming up tomorrow. This is the idea for our sidewalk square tribute to "the ladies". Get your brains a brewin' and I will see you all tomorrow!!!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!
Hay Hay Haaaayyy

Alright peoples. Whattya think so far? I don't intend to be spending too much time on the preliminary stuff for this. Thought I would get an image out to ya all. I know we were talking Destiny's Child, Charlie's Angels shit, Bri, but, I haven't had a chance to draw something like that up. Everyone post yo' thoughts on if this would work for part of our memorial to the cafeteria hos or what. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Jen: I didn't even BEGIN to think of wording or fonts or design. Jo, maybe you and Jen can help with this... Lemme know.
Gloves Are Off...
Oh Mr. Wegat......purr purr Mr. Wegat. Don't play with a boy and his Photoshop. The gloves are officially off. I "STOPED" by your blog early this morning and found another wonderful pic post of me. Being best friends and all, I thought it was only fair that I posted one as well. It's from one of the many sleepovers I had at your house when we were younger and the many nights I lay awake on your sofa listening to the sorrowful moaning farts that escaped slowly out of your bunghole. You would be asleep and your horn would be blaring a slow bluesy melody for minutes on end. WHATTA PIG!!!See below folks for a photo from Joe and Trav's younger years... 
(Joe, look closely at the pic, and you'll see your famous flies buzzing off to the left of you, you lil' stinker!) Hey everyone on the East Coast! I will be in touch with you either tonight or tomorrow night.....can't wait to see everyone this weekend. I talked to Mel and she and Bri will come up with some ideas for the square. I am devoid of ideas for the sec, but Jen and Jo, don't worry, I will post something soon. In the meantime, please keep a close watch on Bri's blog for ideas. Let's discuss. KUDOS to Mel for a FABULOUS cafe press store. She's added some new designs.... Go to Big Sky Starlet Designs store to check it out! Also, my lil' sis, Rachel, has her own blog now, Dirty Bird Special. Go check it out. It's pretty funny. Now you will all know where I get my filthiness from.
Never Underestimate the Power of the Handicapped
Hey everyone... I'm home. Ahh, the sweet smell of hamhocks and bad barbeque. I had to post this tonight before the week began. I feel like Paul Revere. I am rushing into town to warn people of an approaching evil. Check this:  Is the world coming to an end? Beware people, the arrival of the Hallmark Movie. Hallmark Movie almost always spells "steaming turd wrapped in chuffon lace", but come the beginning of next month, it takes on a whole new meaning of cinematic feces. Witness the movie known as......aw who gives a shit? I'm not going to beat around the bush. It's a fucking movie of the week with Rosie O' Donnell playing a mentally retarded woman. Why is she mentally retarded? Well, she wears mismatched colored shoes of course and coveralls. She looks like the human equivalent of an oversized Rugrat from that Nickleodeon cartoon. Oh Ro, to think I was embarassed for you playing a bloated Betty Rubble in the Flinstones movie. I dare not cast my eyes on one SECOND of you talking out of the side of your mouth, making it seem as though Jodie Foster's performance as Nell was understated. OH! And witness poor Andie McDowall. That bitch is thinking to herself, "If that beast scoots down further on the bench, I'm gonna be launched into the sky like a cartoon". Ya gotta give it to Andie. She starred in Green Card with a hairy behometh, Gerard Depardooooo. Now, she stars along another yeti, Rosie. Ah, whatta world, whatta world. Hey Andie, better hurry to the bank with that Hallmark check. You earned it girl.
Yo Yo Yo
Happy Monday... Bri, I love the newest post to your blog. Sweet, candy-coated classic! Mel, hope you had a good b-day. Check the post I left on Bri's blog. Jen and Steph, your blogs are cracking me up and I can't wait to see you two.... Fanny-yo ass better be coming too cuz I can't wait to see you either (forgive me for not posting on your blog or adding it to my linx yet-slow ass connection here at mom's...will when I get home). L-how's work? Are Jessie and Kath doing alright? How bout YOU? Not long til we meet again my dear... HAPPY BDAY to Jason Harper, who braved the 6 months or so together with me and a few other unfortunate souls at Colonial Insurance in Columbia, SC. Party hardy J! Joe, post on your damn blog already BOYEEEE! (and I don't mean the peeing picture of me!) Update on Ump: She is doing fine these last few days and is still demanding alot of shit like chips, dill pickles, shrimp, etc.......ahhh...I feel like that poor, overworked mothafucka on The Nanny, Niles, who does all the damn housework! Hope today's pretty good for everyone. Please, please, please check out our blog, Twisted Yarn...it's SO damn funny! We even got a post from someone in Cali.....(who's NOT in our resident group o' maniacs!) Take care maggots. I am DYING because I can't post pics on this motha........can ya tell? By the way, Steph, I am STILL gonna be posting a pic with that beautiful scarf you made me. Get ready for a hot pose. ALSO, me and my sis wanna say we LOVED the designs for your sis' band and your new website look...... Ok, enough rambling: Take care all! Talk to you later!
Stuck in VA again...
Yo mofos! It's me again. The T-R-AV. Still comin' to ya from Roanoke. Staying over longer to help mom out with grandma. Ump was worse last night than she's been for a while. I know it'll be going up and down like that (her health) for a while, but, my mom looked at me last night and asked if I would stay longer. I know she really needs me right now. So here I am for a few more days. In other news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!!!!!!!
Ya'll are all shocked that I remembered a birthday, right? HAHA! I am good like that. Happy Birthday Melissa, hope you have a great day of whatever the hell you wanna do! (The gift and card are gonna be delayed girl...what's new, right?) All of yall post here on the comments section, when your birthdays are again for me. I have a lil' book that I picked up in O-Town when my sis and I hooked up with Bri, Mel and Stac, and I want to record everyone's bdays in it so I can be late in getting their cards out to them in a more fashionable time frame. It's Friday again, maggots, hope your last day is good. Go get the new Mariah cd, "The Emancipation of Mimi". That shit is off the hoook yo! The bitch may be crazy, but "the voice be back"! Take care all and, Joe, I ain't helpin' yo sorry ass figure out how to post pics. I know you got some shit in your arsenal..... Just remember, what you post, I can post right back...I got TONS o' ammo on this end too!!!! HARHARHARRRRRRRR..... TGIF peeeeples!
Rain of Toads
Days of the locust. Pigs flying. Demi giving birth to the seed of Satan himself, Ashton. (Wait, didn't she make a movie about having Beezlebub's baby? Hmmm. Interesting. Coincidence? I think not.) Joe Wegat, one o' my best buds for years, has made his own blog. Yes folks, the end is nigh. This mofo has made me laugh for years with his blue humor. He did the observational shit waaaay before Seinfeld or Ellen got a hold of his act. He's made me shoot various liquids through my nasal passages (Coke, water, juice) growing up when he would start on one of his comedic rants at lunchtime in school. I am so glad he has a blog now so he can post his daily observations. Most of them involve grown men (trucker types) taking mongo-sized shits in the mensroom, but, it still makes me squeal with laughter. Check out his blog. You'll be glad ya did. I am still in VA people. Ump (aka Grandma) is declining in the health dept. so, we are all on watch here. She's 85 and is getting weaker. Not sure how long she'll be with us but we wanna make sure her final act is a comfortable one. Will probably make it home by the end of the week. She was doing good yesterday, so can't be sure of an exact date I will leave, but, unless the worst happens, it'll be Friday or so. Not to COMPLETELY change the mood, but, kudos to Bri for posting on his Blog about our pal Steph's NEW T SHIRT DESIGN for Wet Seal! Congrats girl! Sorry I haven't done a shout out sooner to you and everyone! I am so happy that one of my friends is famous! That is TOO COOL! Can't wait to see Steph and everyone at the end of this month in Savannah! Gonna be just like old time, bitches! On that note, I am gonna close, but can I just finish by saying that Twisted Yarn thing is HEElarious???? My sis and I have been all over that (if you couldn't tell) because we are now addicts and die laughing at everyone's posts. MEMO TO BRI: We need to get Stacy, Laura L. and Joe on that bad boy! Peace out minions, I gotta run!
Can Travvy Come Out and Plaaay?
I feel like a full time celeb these days ya know. All of the adoring pleas from friends asking me simply, "Travis, when are you going to update your BLOG?" Well, my fan club members, I am back. Updating this thing like Britney and Mariah update their sites, letting their admirers know that they are doing ok.... No, I haven't bought a small dog to carry around, or furnished my bathroom in solid gold. I'm not releasing a new album either. (Although I know I could have struck a pose for a BADASS cover though!) I'm thinking wind machines..... Anyhoo- WHAT UP B's? How is everyone? I am on my mom's slow-ass dial up service so no pics on here as of yet. Just my sweet, sweet words. I hope all of you are well. Still here in VA. Ump, (as we call our grandma), is doing not too well, and I have been here helping mom get her situated in a proper nursing home. (Those places are scareeeeee.) Yes it is true I have been a road weary traveller of late, but DAMN it has been fun. Jen and gang, yes I DID take Rachel to O-Town and tore it up with her, Bri, Mel and Stacy. And DAMN was that fun. Looking forward to the Savannah trip too! Laura, got your message on my cel! Hope you are hanging in there in the trenches at your job! Capt. Big Wang, got your message on my cel phone last night! PROMISE to call you if you PROMISE to post a comment on this BLOG. EVERYONE MISSES YOU!!!!!!!! Bri, LOVE Twisted Yarn! Guys, please visit this new site/venture of ours. The brainchild of Bri, it is an ongoing site that we can all be members of and post whatever the hell we want to. We are currently working on a continuing story where members can add to it, thus, in the end, creating a wacky-ass "yarn" where we all contributed to it! TOTAL fun! Go here and see it! Promise to be in touch with you all soon and PROMISE to update this thing more often. Should be back in Columbia next Tuesday. Take care all and TGIF!
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