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On the Road Again...
Alright, you all be good. Make sure you get the mail. The newspapers. Help yourselves to anything in the fridge. The internet is not really working well on the computer right now (DAMN PCs!) There are plenty of movies to watch and cable too! There is also an array of horror memoribilia (toys and the such) at your disposal. Chucky doll, anyone? Thanks again for looking after our place while we are gone. I will be sure to say hey to Kathie Lee and that turd Regis for you all... Will tell ya all about the cruise and the Caribbean when we get back. Yes, I will say hey to Bri, Mel and Stacy for you. I will also try and touch base with Fanny too and tell her hey for you as well! Be good and stay outta the girl scout cookies, I covet that shit! You all take care and I will be in touch when I get back March 7th or so.... Adios!
Fairweather Friend
Hello minions! You will all do my bidding! First of all, you'll forgive your master for not updating his blog in a full week. Secondly, you must all prepare for another full week of no updates from your master. That's correct. This blog will have no updates after tomorrow. Trav's Total Experience will reopen March 7th fo' yo' viewing pleasure. Got that? Ok, now that we've gotten all the pleasantries outta the way.... how the hell are ya? I hope everyone is doing great. Got back from visiting Rachel, mom, grandma (aka "Ump") and my brother. A big congrats for my little ball of filth sis Rachel, who was accepted to the college of her choice, the name of which said college now escapes me. ( if it ain't about movies, I forget that shit). We went to a college open house this past Saturday in some rural town in BFE and Ray Ray and I laughed through the presentations. Yes, this college was more of a religious-type college. You know how that went over with Trav. Reminds me of the days of my one stint in Catholic school in 8th grade in Cali. Drawing pictures and giggling uncontrollably in the church while some stiff in a collar babbled on and on in the front. I had Rachel going for a while and mom turned to us with a scowl that stopped me dead in my tracks. Anyways, needless to say, we bailed outta that full day. Rachel and I joked that we were like the bad kids, leaning against the wall outside the schoolhouse, smoking a cig. Will be leaving again tomorrow for out of town. Duane and I are going on a week-long cruise to the Caribbean. Should be pretty nice. Never been on a cruise before. I just hope Kathy Lee Gifford ain't on it warbling some shitty song of hers. I think I would have to steer our asses into an iceberg. Laura Lee T, your post was HEELarious!!!!! I had forgotten about the old "Planes, Trains, Automobiles" VHS that I had, that secretly housed all the SKINamax AFter Dark movies I used to record with Joe and die laughing at. "Ooohhhh....no. Not Now. You Animaaawwwww!" Peace out peeps. Til tomorrow.....
The Top Spot
Well here it is Total Experience Fans! The numero uno film choice to NOT have available to view at your house when Trav comes over. Unless you want to "talk him down" all night. And you don't want snot all over your couch. Yes, it's the number one choice on Trav's Top 20 Bawlers list. Let's recap shall we: 20. Never Been Kissed 19. Stand By Me 18. Edward Scissorhands 17. Anywhere But Here 16. Some Kind of Wonderful 15. My Best Friend's Wedding 14. Riding In Cars With Boys 13. Ghost 12. Powder 11. Buffy episode "The Body" 10. Buffy episode "The Gift" 9. Life As a House 8. Stepmom 7. Fried Green Tomatoes 6. E.T. 5. Dawson's Creek final episode 4. Big Fish 3. Beaches 2. Planes, Trains and Automobiles and the #1 movie to make Trav cry like a little girl upon EACH viewing is....(drumroll)....... #1: Thelma and Louise
What can I say? The ending gets me every time. Ever since I was in high school and this came out. The whole movie is liberating but at the same time is sad the way it has to turn out. If you have the dvd, skip to chapter # 31 "Let's Keep Goin'" Anytime we would go on road trips, Laura Lee T. and I would say we were Thelma and Louise. Any time Bri and I would drive to Orlando or brave the Savannah Bridge, we would do Thelma and Louise (besides blare Paula Abdul at top volume). If the end of this film doesn't make me cry enough, then they play the soulful gospel vocal ending music over the credits to sum up everything and THAT has me going til the last credit on the film and the movie is shut off.  So yeh everybody, Trav is a feminist. Go sista soul sista! You know, in the end, I think that listing all these movies will help me to stop being such a big baby and not turn my face into the "ugly cry" upon repeat viewings. In the same spots. At the same musical cue.
Thank you for taking this spiritual journey with me. I think we've all learned something. Trav's a big girly man. And you can all SUCK IT!
On another note, I am heading to VA a day later (actually early morning Friday) to be with sis, ma, the fam. So I will get to play Thelma OR Louise on my 5 hour drive. I will be back on Wednesday of next week and might post some over my visit (although I will probably be 35 when the blog uploads seeing as ma has a SLOW ASS connection). I love reading all of your posts so keep it up! Bri, did you and Mel guess the right #1? ALso, Mel, I got your message yesterday on my phone and I promise to check in with you sometime over the next few days (today I was sick, thus making me leave later). Laura L., have a good weekend. Steph and Jen, I always lump you two vixens together, have a great weekend as well and don't let those deer get into a bloody battle. And finally Joe, please keep those porn references comin', ok? Check all yall later!
Numero Dos
Sorry for the non-posting yesterday. Since last we met, it was Valentine's Day, art projects, a possible client, and a musical episode of the show I am sure is playing in hell as we speak, 7th Heaven. Yes. A musical episode. But I digress. I want to thank Mel and Bri for the upgrade to my site (minor facelift) and to Mel for the links she has provided me to get in touch with the art community online...it's been great. Thanks to Laura for the chat via emails. Thanks to Jen and Steph for hilarious comments and blog entries. Thanks to Joe for his VERY UN-PC comments on this blog (thought about taking them off but they are SO Joe, I can't). Thanks to Jen Lane in Cali for the funny-ass emails and still-intact biting humor. When am I gonna help you with getting your blog going girl? We are ending up this Top 20 Trav Boo Hoo list. Only one more to go...can anyone guess (that knows me) what it will be? Today's post is #2 on the list. My brother has made fun of me for YEARS as this movie gets me sadder than hell. Just watching it a month or so ago had me bawling my eyes out. For this and the final entry in the list, I am presenting more of an overview of why it makes me lose it uncontrollably. Hope you all enjoy... #2: Planes, Trains and Automobiles
(Or as my brother commonly refers to as P.T.A. when making fun of me) Yeh, yeh, yeh. This movie's a comedy. All the haha moments for which there are plenty. The waking up in the morning with the hand in the buttcheeks and the driving down the wrong side of the freeway and the flippity floppity and the arrrwwwwwwwww (sorry, Bill Cosby moment-just picture Bill saying that last sentence. Pure comic gold.) ANYWAYS, what REALLY gets the Big T boo-hooing is when Neil (played by Steve Martin), realizes, after catching a train home after all the hijinks of the film, that Dell Griffith (his cohort on the trip from hell played by John Candy), really doesn't have a home. He doesn't have a wife he so lovingly talks about in their heart to hearts. The picture of Candy sitting at the train station alone with his big trunk at his side is SO heartwrenching! Ugh! Neil confronts him and finds out that Dell's wife died a while ago and he doesn't have a "home" to go home to. But Neil does. And so he brings Dell home with him for the holiday they really thought they were gonna miss. The final scene in the movie has Dell meeting Neil's family. His kids. His wife. The music is "Everytime You Go Away" by some group that's not the original. But it works. Dell looks down at his hands gripping his hat and then looks up again and smiles. WHEWEEEE! Who'da thunk a comedy could have such heart and be so sad? This movie is one of my dad's faves of all time and he laughs his head off at it. I do too. But then I also blow snot all over the sofa at the end. I guess we both have different views on the film. One not to be missed. If you haven't seen it or are turned away by "wacky" comedy, give it a try. There are some genuine laughs and, obvious, geniuine drama. This was also a John Hughes movie.
Who Loves Ya Baby?
Trav do, that's who! Happy V-Day to all my lil' niblets out there! You are all loved by the big T! Hope you enjoy your day! Hope the weekend was good for everyone...good and productive here. Going to visit my sis, mom, grandmoo, and bro on Thursday and staying through Tuesday. Rachel (my lil' sis) is touring a campus for college next year. Sniff, sniff. She all growed up. In other news, Duane and I are going on our planned cruise the week after next and are going through Orlando to visit Bri, Mel, Stacy and (hoping to) meet up with my friend Jo, aka Sporty, aka Fanny. Coming up on the end of the weepies list here. When I get to the top 2, it will be one per post. Here ya gooooo.... #4: Big FishIf you always have your mind in the clouds like me, then this movie is for you. It celebrates the surreal and the dreamer in all of us. Grown up son resents father for not being there and for being such an outlandish storyteller. Dad was never around. Son doesn't know much about dad. Except for all the tall tales he has heard from his father. In the end, you will lose it. If you're not a cynic. My mom and sis didn't like the movie cuz they thought it was too weird. Duane and I both loved this one and it's safe to say the ending will make you bawl. #3: BeachesIf you didn't cry at this movie, you're a "Hard-Hearted Hannah". I LOVE BETTE MIDLER! This story, for those that don't know, is about two life-long friends from differenct backgrounds, who are brought back together due to a life-changing event. What can I say? The end did it for me. The music also did me in. You know, this is so high on the list because of the song "Wind Beneath My Wings". Brian used to jokingly start singing it to me in college to see if it would make my eye holes moist. Or he would put the cd on. Or he would put the song on his ever-famous YearEnd mixtape for me. Bri, you suck.
One Mo' Thing Before the Weekend...
Just wanted to post this bit of reassurance to everyone out there... Everyone poops.
Get a Job
I'm at the point where I'd sleep with that mutant spokesperson thing on Monster.com if I knew it would land me a job. I mean, dayum! ANY job right now...not even art related! Shout outs to all my peeps today! Hope you're having a good end of the week! Rachel, my loving lil' sis, I will post a poem to publicly humiliate you later. Still trying to come up with a lyric that rhymes with Funion... So I can attend to my frozen fish fillets in the oven for lunch, ONTO the list!... #6: E.T. Don't even need to make a comment. Woulda been higher but I'm older, balding, and am more of a cynic. That goodbye scene at the end though with the music....whooeeeeee. #5: Dawson's Creek Series Finale episode Don't EVEN laugh at me. Never followed the series. Pretty damn horrible. Acting, writing. The whole nine. Something about this final episode makes me lose it all the time. Oh yeh: it's because it's SHAMEFUL in it's attempts to make you bawl your eyes out. I mean, the kill one o' the main characters! Granted, never really followed the thing but tuned in to see the last ep and DAMN did it hit me hard! Still horrible show though but this last ep was pretty damn good. Well hasta peeple. Have a great weekend! Back 'atcha later!
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Finally got some art done for my portfolio!
My portfolio was lookin' as stale as the skits on MADTV.
I was lookin' through it and a lot of it was old work from college.
Wow, what a progression!
Need to remove as much of that shit as possible!
Think I am finally, with the help of friends and a Dummy's Guide To book, delving into the world of Adobe Illustrator with both feet and trying out some pieces solely using that program.
I'll post some new work on here once I have played around a little more.
Watch for some new pieces on my site in the coming months.
Well, time to continue up to the #1 position of my Weepie's list.
I know this shit is going on long. Maybe shoulda just done a Top 10.
But I gotta tell you people: When you are alone at home on a rainy day and feeling moody, it ALL speaks to ya.
Anyhoo-without further ado, here is entry 8 and 7:
#8: Stepmom
This movie is TOTALLY calculated. The use of the disease ridden mother.
The divorce.
The other woman trying to fill in mom's shoes.
The shameless use of old motown hits.
Most of it's really lame.
The last bit of the movie where both kids come up to see their dying mom and she gives them what will be their last Christmas gifts from her. THAT'S WHAT has me moist in the eye holes.
SO manipulative, yet SO works because of Susan Sarandon's performance.
(Probably also helps that she reminds me of my mom and the whole dying thing hits, like Jim J Bullock, Too Close For Comfort!)
BEWARE though: AKA! (Annoying Kid Alert)!!! The little girl in this movie is so damn annoying, you wanna pummel her.
#7: Fried Green Tomatoes
This movie covers so many story lines, there's BOUND to be a moment in it for you that will make you cry.
Everyone does a good job in this and you care about all the characters, especially Jessica Tandy and Kathy Bates.
There's death, repression, but hope in this story-within-a-story-film.
I am NOT a fan of period pieces by any means.
Please don't give me a history lesson when I go to the movies.
I flunked history.
The story is so damn good here though that it pulled me in.
The southern setting also reminds me of growing up in the south and living here nowadays (ok, it reminds me of a GOOD way because of the good memories growing up and the beautiful scenery, but, for the record, I am ready to leave now. PLEASE!)
What makes me dew up in this movie, among many things, is first, how the older woman helps Kathy Bates' character evolve into someone with strong self worth and their bond and then, a death towards the end of the movie and the way it's handled. The acting in that scene is great. SO SAD.
I remember seeing this movie in high school and it STILL being one of my favorites today.
It's a long movie, but get into it if you have the time and let it tell it's story.
Got a great ending to it and the soundtrack's really great too. Even the score. Gotta ebay that shit!
Drip, Drip, Drip...
Hey all!
It's raining here today. Even a little thunder.
Damn gloomy if you ask me.
How is it in your neck of the woods?
Well, it's now the top 10 of Trav's Top 20 Bawlers. I know you all have enjoyed the journey as much as I have (tink tink).
Let's get rolling here before my power cuts out...
#10: Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5 episode:
Buffy back to back! This is the last episode of season 5 of the series.
Not only has Buffy and her sister dealt with the death of her mother, they gotta deal with the death of BUFFY herself!
Yeh, the girl bites it at the end of this ep quite heroically I might add.
Great action. Great wrapup to the season. Great ender.
What made this in the top 10 over the other ep is the whole season has boiled up to this last episode. All the major story arcs end with this and Buffy basically sacrifices herself to save her sister. Her parting words at the end are SO DAMN SAD!
Also note: I love the ending shot of Buffy's tombstone. It reads:
Buffy Anne Summers
Beloved Sister
Devoted Friend
She Saved the World
A Lot
#9: Life As a House
So sad. Deals with a father and son relationship. Great performances all around.
Won't give away the ending but you can figure it out in plenty of time to grab the Cottonell.
"Finish it, Sam".
The Boo Hooing Continues
Got up early.
Made breakfast.
Ran errands (bought The Notebook on DVD).
Did balancing of multiple credit card amounts and handled balance transfers.
(inner monologue: "Boy, do I have some debt!")
Daily morning job search and email to prospective clients.
(daily inner monologue: "Boy, do I need some income!")
Gonna work ALL DAY on new art for portfolio, checking email periodically for any replies for possible work.
Ok, sorry, doing the mental note thing on here. That's what BLOGS are for, right?
So now you all can see just how boring and pathetic my life really is.
(Wish I had something better to post for ya).
I wanted everyone to know that there are a few "weepies" that I did not include on this list because I don't really watch them that much anymore and, while they were effective, they just didn't fit into this list. These titles include: Forrest Gump, Boys On the Side (YES Laura T, I know. The rocking chair, the "Anything you want, you go...>cough<, >cough<....) and finally, Stella (I just Wanna See Her Face!). I know Bri and Joe will be amazed that I didn't include good ol' Stella with my girl Bette, but that was one TRULY AWFUL FIlM! Don't think I'll be sitting in front of that anytime soon! Joe was such a friend to accompany me to see it back in high school.Whatta pal! Ok, let's do this...
#12: Powder
To me, this movie sums up the outsider vibe to the tee.
Yes, it's a little whacked out and heavy-handed at times, but, the performance by Sean Patrick Flannery (sp?) in the title role is what carries this film.
If you aren't into fantasy-type films, then this one will have you laughing as it did with my typical prone-to-open-the-floodgates mom. There are really sad moments in this one. Powder goes to see the sheriff's sick and bed-ridden wife is one that REALLY makes it hard for you to maintain a calm viewing without tearing up.
The ending of this film is sad and uplifiting in a way. Won't spoil it. I think I have spoiled some other movies on this list by giving away the endings (promise to stop that).
I would have placed this higher on the list if, after watching it recently, the acting in the end didn't make me wince a little. OVERacting I should say.
Damn, Lance Henriksen!
Hug your face, ok?
#11: Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5 episode:
If you haven't seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer on tv, you should.
If you have seen one or two eps, that ain't good enough.
Try watching a full season of it.
I am not much for episodic television (at least before this show), but Buffy really has me hooked. I'm like a Trekkie.
Never thought I would utter those words.
Anyways, the episode I am referring to involves Buffy coming home to find her mom laying on the couch, dead.
In previous episodes, her mother had been suffering from a brain tumor and was in recovery. The ep before this, she was fine and was going out on a date for the first time in years and looked healthy.
At the end of that episode, Buffy comes home and finds her mom on the couch.
THIS picks up where that leaves off and deals (with sickening clarity) the reality of death.
I can't tell you how good this was. The directing was great. The acting not over the top, but restrained. It was just about perfection.
Sarah Michelle Gellar handles the opening scene of the discovery SO well! You feel like it was really happening.
t's shocking, calm, yet VERY emotional.
The fact that her mother died of natural causes is what also brings the show home. Most of the deaths on the show are of supernatural causes or from violent battle.
This death was a quiet and "normal" passing.
What is sad in this?
What makes me lose it every time are the flashbacks to Buffy's memories of her mom and the contrast of scenes where you think it was all a hoax, but then the stark reality comes right back into play (close-up of her mom's face being zipped up in a body bag).
If you are gonna watch (and know somewhat about the characters) , check out the scene with Anya giving her speech about not understanding human death and Buffy's mom's dying.
That one gets me every time.
If you haven't watched this show, maybe you should start catching all the reruns on cable. It is well worth it. Trust me.
It's not a geek or teeny-bopper show. I should know. I'm not a...
Well, at least I'm not a teeny-bopper....
Well hello my lil' chickadees!
How was everyone's weekend? Good, I hope.
We had a decent weekend.
Duane has just about finished the kitchen (I will post pics soon), and, with the help of my pals Mel and Brian, I am getting my website updated.
We went and saw Boogeyman over the weekend. A lot like Darkness Falls but creepier.
Not a whole lot went on in the movie, lots of opening of closet doors. Still spooky.
Only thing that was crappy was the CGI at the end.
They will never learn. No one's gonna be scared by Max Headroom.
No one.
But I digress...
So, has anyone been waiting in antici-PATION for more reveals on my Boo Hoo list? I know the answer to that, so don't respond. I came up with this list to herald the coming of another tearjerker to DVD tomorrow, The Notebook. It's shameless bawl-inducing at its best, but it is still REALLY effective. Do yourself a favor and rent it if you are in the mood to lose it.
I am doing two sets (to make up for lost time) for this post. Without further ado, I bring you:
#16: Some Kind of Wonderful
The end of the Hughes teenage flicks. He didn't direct this one and it shows compared to the other big hits of his teenage film ouvre. But, his writing of REAL teen characters still hits home undoubtedly. This is one of those movies you catch AFTER you have seen Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink....it deserves more notoriety. The three leads do a great job. It's the only movie I can stand Eric Stoltz in (and actually think he is good looking in). Lea Thompson, who I just adore and have a MAJOR straight crush on, since childhood, does the job here for me. Yes, it's sad that the tomboy is invisible to her best friend. The TRUE sob scene for me is at the end when Lea Thompson has her "It's gonna feel good to stand on my own" speech and she gives the earrings Eric Stoltz bought her with his college savings back to him and says "You know in your heart you wanna give these to someone else".
UGGH! All through the movie, you think this uppity popular girl is going out with him just to be nice, but in the end, you see she really cares enough for him to realize she needs to do the right thing. I again am a sucker for people doing the "right thing" in the movie after coming to a realization.
I remember seeing this film on cable in high school and just feeling for all the characters, especially Eric Stoltz as the artist(!) who never fit in. GREAT stuff! Should not be overlooked!
#15: My Best Friend's Wedding
Ok. Julia Roberts. 'nuff said. Everyone that knows me I ADORE her. Would marry her myself if she wasn't already, AND didn't have kids by the guy! Anyhoo, this is one great movie. Short and sweet, this woman really loves her best friend. In the end, she comes to a realization(!) that she is not the one for him and it is indeed, the girl that he chose to marry who is.
The scene at the end, where, in the hordes of wedding attendees, she is searching for her best friend before he and his new wife rush off to their honeymoon, THAT'S what gets me. She, for a second, looks defeated, then turns to catch him right next to her, having sought her out to give her one last goodbye before he moves on into his life of marriage. She gives him a knowing look, a hug, and, you can see it by the small vein in her forehead, she is holding back a Julia Roberts cry. The piano in the background doesn't help either.
This, like the movie above, is a good cry. You cry because everything is as it should be. The characters all are in the places they need to be. In this one, you may not like the fact that Julia doesn't get the guy, but as the very end shows, she will be alright.
#14: Riding In Cars With Boys
This movie is not the best. There are lags in it and to tell you the truth, I haven't watched it since I bought it a while ago on DVD used. But, the story still sticks with me and Drew Barrymore's performance does too. All she gotta do is cry. That's all it takes.
Dealing with a strong maternal figure is difficult growing up.
When they make you feel like you have caused them grief, then it really stings.
This story will ring true for a lot of us out there that grew up in difficult familial circumstances.
The ending is the saddest (isn't it always the ending?), where the son sees his father for the first time in years and it's not the best of meetings. Steve Zahn (of That Thing You Do! fame) does a great job as the loser father and has some great lines at the end. That starts the flow.
Then, we have two blowouts between Drew (as the adult boys mother!) and her son. The dialogue between the two is pretty raw. In the end, she comes to a realization(!) and does the right thing by telling her son he is the best thing that happened to her life and she finally lets him release all the emotional weight off his shoulders from worrying about his mom's well-being.
The very ending, with her catching a ride home from her old man is very sweet and, just look at that emotion on her face! whooooooooooeeeeee. sad.
#13: Ghost
My sister's main joke against me lately is that I own this. She says I NEVER liked it before so why do I have it? True, wasn't my FAVE movie of all time like JOE SOMEBODY (starring Tim Allen-yeh, who?) was to her, but it's a really good movie that I have wanted for a while.
The reason? Whoopi. I have NEVER thought Whoopi has used her full potential in anything she has done since The Color Purple (which I haven't seen but can estimate was her first REAL role besides shit like Jumpin' Jack Flash).
She is the reason I like this movie so much. I think she won the Oscar for this. She deserved it. I don't like her in anything else but this movie. Sorry Duane, not ever Sister Act. She brings humor, emotion and creates a character I felt more for than the two leads.
Why is this movie so bawl-inducing? Because the sadness of the situation between the two lovers and the fact that a complete stranger (Whoopi) was caught up in it enough to help in the end. Sucker for people who wouldn't normally interact with other people being caught up in their lives....
And of course, the ending, with Demi giving perfect tear for the camera. Patrick walking into the light and the music reaching its crescendo. WOW!
Shut up, Rachel.
Boo Hoo Part Deux
Hey all.
A very serious shout out to Brandi, who lost her puppy today.
I am very sorry to hear your sad news but always know that tomorrow is a brighter day.
To Chris: it was great sharing a morning talk with you today. Even though you are in Cali, and the time zones are different, felt like we were living in the same state again. Sad to hear that news about Ryan Goldsberry though. Damn. This sad stuff is piling up today.
To all my friends out in the working world: hope your Friday goes smoothly today and enjoy your weekends! Duane and I are going to see "Boogeyman" tonight. I'll tell yall all about it.
Now, onto:
#18: Edward Scissorhands
Maybe it's the outsider in me. Feeling as though I'm constantly playing by the world's rules or whatnot (ooh, getting into "deep philosophy", come back), I could very much relate to Ed's character. This movie was one of my favorites growing up and still is. The scene at the end, where Ed turns to Kim and says, "Goodbye", knowing that although he TRULY loves her, he must not be with her because society won't let him. UGH! HEARTwrenching! Johnny Depp, while always not a huge fan of his, TRULY showed out in this one! What an amazing performance! Winona in the old lady makeup in the end, notsomuch.
#17: Anywhere But Here
For anyone who has dealt with the issue of hating and loving your imperfect parent at the same time: this movie is for you. Granted, it's between a mother and a daughter (which is a very different bond than that of a son), it still resonates quite fiercely for ANYONE. Not such a huge hit, it's DEFINITELY worth a rental or at least a viewing on Oxygen or Lifetime or whatever when it is in HEAVY rotation. The movie has depressing moments but its at the end, when the mother (played by Susan Sarandon), finally decides to let her daughter out from under her wing (leaving her terribly lonely) and off to the college of her choice, it's a GOOD cry, not a depressing one. The moment the mom waves by to her daughter and walks off into the big airport filled with busy, no-name people, Natalie Portman's (the daughter) voice narrates about how her mom is so unique and special to her. After all the problems she had with her mom, she wouldn't want anyone any different. I LOVE THAT! Not a BIG ORIGINAL blockbuster, but, with the performances, pretty damn good and yanking at your heartstrings. And tear ducts. Let it flowww sistas, let it flooowwww.
Have a good restoftheday people! I'm out!
Boo Hoo
Hey everyone! What's happenin?
Not much here...still doing the job hunt thing on a daily basis. Ah, the life of freelancing.
Today, I was the featured artist on a website! If you read this tomorrow, it'll be gone. But STILL! How cool is that?
Anyways, today was a gloomy and (as my lil' sis Rachel jokingly would call it) "harumph" day. I was totally immersed in the murkiness of it all and decided to entertain with a little countdown of sorts. (Brian is gonna DIE laughing with this one only because he knows me too well!)
For you all that know me, you know I'm a sensitive guy. I am also a movie buff.
For the sake of entertainment and self-humiliation, I have put together a top 20 list of the all time saddest moments in movie and television that makes the big T cry. Like a woman. Ok, like a baby/woman. Whether it be the music, the performance, or the situation (usually involving someone dying), I can cry INSTANTLY if watching the following scenes from film or television. Even on repeat viewings. The higher on the list though, the more truer that last statement is. I am a big pansy.
I wanna hear what you guys think (and I am sure I am about to get a whole HELLUVA lotta shit for this) and hopefully, which scenes make you all lose it too!
I will do 2 of these a day until it's over (may feel like doing more than depending on what my demented little mind has in store for you faithful readers!).
So, without further ado, I bring you...
Starting at the bottom, I begin with:
#20: The film Never Been Kissed.
As you will see, any movie with Drew Barrymore crying does it for me. I don't know why. When she cries, I get upset and cry. I don't like to see Drew upset. Never Been Kissed was a goofy film but DAMN I loved it because of her. Don't NOBODY mess with Josie Grossie! NOBODY!
The scene where she flashes back to the night of her prom and the cute boy she liked that was her date drives by in a limo with another girl and throws eggs at her, DEVASTATING! And it hits her in the FACE! BOY, was that sad. I wanted to help that frumpy, tin foil wearin' girl up and in the house for a night of planning that boy's downfall!
#19: The film Stand By Me.
I have been a fan of this film ever since I was the age of the boys in the movie. Even though the movie was set in the 50's (I believe), I could totally relate to their friendship, their family struggles, and those thick fuckin' glasses that Cory Feldman wore. I had a pair o' those. In 1987!
Anyhoo-the movie was pretty dramatic but nothing gets me upset watching it until the end when "Gordy" is talking about where each of his friends went as they all grew older and apart. "Chris", his bestest friend out of the bunch, played by River Phoenix, ends up getting killed when he is older breaking up a fight. TOTALLY sad. One of the rare Stephen King movies that was good and lived up to his written word. Special note: this movie coined the favorite phrase "Crazier than a shithouse rat" that my friends and I use on a regular basis when referring to nutty coworkers, family members, and Anna Nicole Smith.
You gotta be kidding me!
(Sorry. Just had to post this today too. Blecch.)
The Promise of a New Day
Sniff. Sniff. I am so happy today.
One of my fave performers has made an announcement.
Go here to read.
That's right bitches!
It all started when I met her and she was a struggling choreographer sending her demo tape around the city. I listened to it, met her, and suggested she take it to Tommy Mattola, a good industry friend of mine, at Virgin Records. We had a torrid two-week love affair and then broke up, where she met the dashing, comic stylings of Arsenio Hall and became smitten.
The rest is history.
Here is a pic of us when I was giving her tape back to her. (Notice the stylish white boy-Bobby Brown hair look that was so popular around the time of her budding success).
We can all breath a big sigh of relief. Our girl Paula Abdul is back. Not just a judge on some corny-ass reality show. Not back as a workout video staple. Not as an actress on 5th rate Lifetime quality "I-Am-Being-Stalked-And-Will-Be-Raped-Eventually-Becoming-Strong-And-Killing-The-Bastard
-In-The-Final-Scene" movie.
Oh no.
Paula is back in the studio recording a new album, and should be making her way back to the Music Video realm she SO dominated back in the late 80's-early 90's.
Britney, you best watch yo trashy-ass back! Paula's gonna tear that shit up!
These kids today don't know what Pop Stars are REALLY LIKE! They bout to find out!
Well people-keep yo' eyes peeled for Paula's new album. It's sure to drop sometime around next year or so. You BEST be takin' your Chaka Khan vinyls off the turntables and get ready to ROCK some Paula!
Ahh. That sweet, sweet (but bitter) romance we shared back when...How I miss it. I was Straight Up in LOVE with her. She told me she was Forever My Girl. I guess it took me a while to realize she was just Cold Hearted.
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